Zeepin FAQ

3 min readDec 6, 2017



Q1: What is Zeepin?

Zeepin, the distributed creative economy, is dedicated to promoting highly efficient circulation of innovation assets. In the Zeepin community, any organization or individual will have a reliable digital identity and turn innovative resources into digital assets that are protected and can be shared on the blockchain, so as to reduce risks in investment trade and improve creation efficiency.

As an ecosystem, Zeepin dApps provides various API data interfaces for community developers, like:

ZeeCrew — Boundary-less Creative Team

ZeeCreate — Disinter-mediated Innovation Platform

ZeeRights, ZeeSure — Blockchain Copyright “Bureau” and Transaction Market

ZeeFund — Decentralized Kickstarter

Zeepin is committed to becoming the world’s leading blockchain-based innovation, transaction, and investment platforms for the creative industry.

Zeepin = Creative industry + Smart economy

Q2: What problems does Zeepin solve?

Four main problems will be solved:

A. The existing difficulty of rights confirmation and protection restrains the innovative impetus for designers. Our solution is to digitize and record their creative assets using our dApp called “Copyright Pro”. And we have ZeeSure to support designers to ensure the protection.

B. Imperfect supervision and distribution mechanism for copyright assets leads to a disheartening lack of trust mechanism for users. We plan to use smart contract based Authorization Pro and its traceability to handle this.

C. The centralized trading venues cannot keep up with the trend of “lightweight” innovation development. So we are building a decentralized interconnection and transaction platform to solve this problem.

D. The untrustworthy and opaque trading mode cannot blend in well with financial innovation. To tackle this, we are taking advantage of the scalability of Blockchain to interconnect with third-party financial institutions and investors.

We will also launch some other dApps to solve more problems. Apart from Zeerights -Copyright PRO and Authorization Pro, we will have Zeecrew — Global cooperation for creators; Zeecreate -Decentralized interconnection and transaction platform and Zeefund — Invest new projects of creative industry

Q3: Why does Zeepin need to be a blockchain project?

We have worked in the creative industry for many years and developed the biggest creative website in China for media and crowdsourcing new product ideas. Through the research of a few years, we have discovered that the main issue facing the creative industry is the untrusting foundation of centralized copyright protection among enterprises. Differing from the centralized platform, each transaction on Zeepin needs to get the consensus reached by most nodes on the network for final confirmation, thus avoid the dark force of super administrator behind a centralized platform. It is the technological cause that enables the blockchain’s ability of offering timestamp and tamper-proof transaction records. In addition, we have also built the Decentralized Transaction and Investment Platform and try to promote assets digitization based on the blockchain technology and carry out automatic management on digital assets through the smart contract to form a distributed network for the “intelligent economy”. For more details, please refer to “Why Blockchain” chapter in our white paper.

Q4: What type of partnership between NEO and Zeepin?

The operation of ZPT including trading related smart contracts will be on NEO. Besides, Zeepin will stand as a vertical industrial ecology in NEO Ecosystem focusing on global service in cultural and creative industries. Neo is Zeepin’s strategic investor and partner, we will grow together!

Q5: What’s Zeepin’s development plan?

Q6: What’s the use of Zeepin Token?

ZPT is important for Establishing a Consistent Community Incentive Mechanism, a Disinter-mediated Service System and a Safe and Efficient Investment Environment.

ZPT will be used for Community Reward, transaction, and investment for creative projects.




A decentralized network for creators & creative assets. |website: https://www.zeepin.io |