Collaboration Between Customer Experience and Product Management Teams in Design Agencies

Zeeshan Khalid
5 min readFeb 29, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of design agencies, the synergy between customer experience (CX) and product management teams stands as the linchpin for delivering exceptional results. This article delves into the intricate web of collaboration that binds these two essential entities, exploring how their seamless integration fosters innovation, client satisfaction, and overall success.

Understanding Customer Experience and Product Management

Before we dissect their collaboration, it’s crucial to comprehend the distinct roles of customer experience and product management teams.

  • The customer experience team, focuses on understanding and enhancing the end-user journey, ensuring that every touchpoint is optimised for satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Product management teams, led by product managers, are responsible for translating client needs into tangible products, overseeing the entire product lifecycle from conception to delivery.

Key Facts

  • According to a Forrester report, companies that prioritise customer experience see a higher revenue growth rate compared to their counterparts.
  • The Product Management Institute states that effective collaboration between CX and product management teams leads to a 25% increase in successful product launches.

Common Goals, Different Approaches

While both teams share the ultimate goal of delivering exceptional products, their approaches differ.

  • The CX team is deeply entrenched in empathising with users, conducting usability tests, and gathering feedback to refine the user journey.
  • Product managers, conversely, focus on strategic planning, feature prioritisation, and ensuring the timely delivery of a market-ready product.

The challenge lies in harmonising these disparate approaches into a unified, client-centric vision.

Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful collaboration between CX and product management teams. Regular meetings, cross-functional workshops, and shared collaboration tools help bridge the gap. By fostering open channels, both teams can exchange insights, align strategies, and address potential roadblocks early in the process. This communication framework ensures that user feedback from the CX team is seamlessly integrated into the product development cycle.

  • At District47, teams use a shared project management platform to collaborate in real-time. Regular video conferences and cross-functional workshops allow CX professionals and product managers to synchronize their efforts and maintain a cohesive vision.

Early Integration of CX Insights

To truly embody a user-centric approach, design agencies prioritise the early integration of CX insights into the product development process. This involves collaboration from the initial ideation phase, where CX teams contribute valuable user feedback and market research. By involving CX experts early on, product managers gain a holistic understanding of user needs, allowing for the incorporation of user-centric features from the inception of the product.

Key Fact

  • According to McKinsey, organisations that integrate user experience design into their product development process can reduce the time-to-market by up to 50%.

In the development of a mobile banking app, the CX team at District47 conducted user interviews to identify pain points. This insight was integrated early on, leading to a simplified and more intuitive user interface.

Iterative Feedback Loops

The collaboration doesn’t stop at the beginning of the project; it thrives on continuous, iterative feedback loops. CX teams conduct ongoing usability tests and gather user feedback throughout the development lifecycle. Product managers, in turn, leverage this feedback to make informed adjustments to the product roadmap. This cyclical process ensures that the final product is a refined manifestation of user preferences and market demands.

Key Fact

  • According to a study by Nielsen Norman Group, iterative usability testing can uncover up to 85% of usability issues.

In the creation of a project management tool, the iterative feedback loop between CX and product management teams at District47 resulted in a more intuitive interface, addressing user concerns about complex navigation.

Cross-Functional Teams for Holistic Solutions

Design agencies increasingly opt for cross-functional teams that integrate CX and product management professionals. This fusion of skill sets enables a holistic approach, where CX experts contribute their user-centric insights, and product managers provide strategic direction. The result is a symbiotic relationship that fosters innovation, accelerates decision-making, and enhances the overall quality of the end product.

Key Fact

  • Harvard Business Review reports that organisations with cross-functional teams see a 25% faster project completion rate.

At District47, employs cross-functional teams, ensuring that CX designers, product managers, and developers work collaboratively from the project’s inception. This approach leads to streamlined communication and a more cohesive development process.

Shared Metrics for Success

To gauge the success of their collaboration, CX and product management teams often define shared metrics. These could include user satisfaction scores, customer retention rates, and time-to-market efficiency. Aligning key performance indicators ensures that both teams are working towards a common goal and encourages a sense of collective ownership over the project’s success.

Key Fact

  • A study by PwC found that organisations that align their CX and product development metrics are 64% more likely to exceed their business goals.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite the benefits, challenges do arise in the collaboration between CX and product management teams. Differences in terminology, conflicting priorities, and divergent timelines can pose hurdles. A proactive approach to addressing these challenges involves establishing clear communication channels, creating a shared glossary of terms, and implementing flexible project timelines that account for iterative feedback loops.

Key Fact

  • According to a survey by Gartner, 75% of organisations struggle with cross-functional collaboration due to poor communication and collaboration tools.


In the intricate dance between customer experience and product management teams within design agencies, collaboration is not just a buzzword but a strategic imperative. By fostering open communication, early integration of CX insights, and the establishment of shared metrics for success, these teams create a symbiotic relationship that fuels innovation and client satisfaction. As the design landscape continues to evolve, this collaborative model stands as a beacon, guiding agencies towards a future where user-centricity and product excellence coalesce seamlessly. Through real-world examples and key facts, it’s evident that the collaborative integration of CX and product management is not only beneficial but essential for the continued success of design agencies in the competitive market.



Zeeshan Khalid

A UX Manager with 10+ years of experience dedicated to design user-centric solutions that enhance revenue generation and elevate customer engagement.