Facebook Style Reactions — A Simple jQuery Plugin to Generate FB LIKE Button

Zeeshan Rasool
1 min readAug 8, 2018

We all know Facebook as giant social networking platform which always keeps us inspired by their amazing features. Last year Facebook totally changed the idea of how we like a post.

It gave us the way to react more with any post by choosing our reaction from a list of 6. Recently while I was working on my upcoming version of PHP Wall Script, I built the same feature (Facebook Reactions) for my application. Moreover, I wrapped it as a jQuery plugin shape so user should easily download and integrate it into their projects. I hope you’d like it.

About the Plugin

This plugin allows you to generate a like button similar in Facebook style with option to select different reactions from the list. i-e Like, haha, sad, wow etc.

With very simple HTML you can convert the simple button to an interactive Facebook style reaction button which will submit the selection a user will made back to the database.

How to Use

See the example page or Github page for more detail and to download the plugin.

Originally published at www.99points.info.



Zeeshan Rasool

Passionate PHP (Laravel, CakePHP, CodeIgniter) Freelance Developer & Programmer, blogger and author of www.99Points.info (Blog), www.WallScriptClone.com