#Overcome Failure — Funds Collection for Edhi Foundation

Muhammad Zeeshan Ashraf
8 min readDec 25, 2022


Edhi Foundation Pakistan is the largest and most organized social welfare organization entirely with the help of volunteers. Foundation works round the clock, without any discrimination on the basis of color, race, language, religion, or politics. Edhi sb is an inspiration to me and many others. We can always look up to him in the direst situation.

“My religion is humanitarianism, which is the basis of every religion in the world”
Abdul Sattar Edhi

We believe that donating and helping others ultimate expression of solidarity and kindness. It is the only path to success in this world and the world after. The kindness to show others never get unpaid. It will help in ways we cannot even begin to imagine.

Edhi Sb

As we all know about the demise of our beloved Edhi sb, his son Faisal is now managing the Edhi Foundation and has requested people to help donate as funds are dropping after Edhi Sb.’s death. We have been assigned two weeks to come out of our comfort zone and convince people to give their donations to the Edhi Foundation.

It was our first philanthropic work experience. We learned that we not only have to live our lives but to make the path easiest for those who are suffering. This is not easy though, but it will give you a sense of satisfaction, and peace that no other one can give you.

“When you stop living for luxuries, you understand the real meaning of life”
Abdul Sattar Edhi


We deployed multiple plans for gathering donations.

  • We reach out to people using social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, etc
  • Going to marketplaces and convincing shop owners and customers to donate.
  • Having 1:1 meetings with friends and family members
  • Communicating with the corporate organizations in our network to facilitate donations.

The 1:1 meetings and going to the marketplace was the most effective strategy for us.


Well, since it's the first time I will honestly say we got the mix of every feeling in the journey of collecting donations sometimes we feel very happy and motivated when someone donates other times we feel down and unmotivated when someone rudely rejected us. Sometimes I am the shiest person and other times the boldest get into a discussion about Edhi's sb work and how he has impacted society. Sometimes I feel blessed living in a society where people care about others when relatively poor people donate and at the same time angry when big shop owners kick us out right from start. Now I am getting drowned in emotion while writing flashing different thoughts in my mind that we experience in donation campaigns. let me share a few good stories with you guys

Amazing Neighbour:

I live plaza consisting of flats in Gulberg Main Market. In the current era, everyone is so busy we are not connected to the people around us. I go to the office at 9:00 am and get back to the flat at 10:30 pm while on weekends I am usually working inside the flat or meeting are aligned with clients and friends with the study workload of Master and Amal so I do not know any of my neighbors.

A little personal side story that I was trying to avoid mentioning but I suggest now it is pointless to hide I am hearing the lyrics song Let it rain in my mind. The thing is that I HATE asking for money. Even when I was in school and at university I never ask for fee’s money from my father. My family knew my habit and they were afraid of it. They knew I will start skipping meals to manage my budget but will not ask for an allowance. I was Vice President of the ACM society we were starting the society from scratch so Dr. Umer Qasim ask me to join and take the Vice President role. I told my Sir that I work around the clock, manage events and bring guests to social functions but I have one condition I will never go to people to sell event tickets and fundraise for society. I hope you guys get the idea of how much it is difficult for me to collect donations for Edhi's Foundation.

Back to the experience story, Now I am sitting in a room trembling and gathering the courage to ask people for donations. It was already 11:30 pm late after office time different thoughts coming to mind where should I start? and should I disturb people so late at night? while holding the Edhi box in my hands. Once a neighbor ask for cooking utensils from us so they know my face so I thought I should start from them. Finally with the name of Allah and deep beneath I knock there door. They open the door and smiled after looking and told me to come in. I explain my purpose for coming they happily donate without asking questions they praise me for doing a donation and motivated me. They were such nice people. It was a make-or-break point for me. I might have gone back to the flat if they have rejected me. However, I was really boosted after it and they went from door to door to collect donations. It was such an awesome experience I got to know so many peoples and names 😎. Now we are starting to come, friends, giving hello hey when going and backing from office.

Ashraf Building Neighbour

Lionheart Corn Seller and FoodPanda Rider:

After collecting donations from flats I was wondering about Main Market Gulberg. I was getting positive and negative feedback from shops. There was a general store shop I had to go to him as I start speaking after seeing Edhi's box he shut me up and with a hand sign told me to go away. In my mind, I was thinking he should have let me complete what I was saying or would just politely say no to me. As I was going away from the shop there was a person with a cart selling corn. At first, I thought he is already poor how can he contribute? But don’t why I request him to donate. Baba asked me to repeat what I was saying I told him I am collect donations for Edhi Foundation. He repeated Edhi's sb name while slightly closing his eye I suggest must be recollecting his memory related to Edhi's sb. He reached his money box and donated the best amount he can. To my surprise, while I was talking to the Baba at 12:30 am night a foodpanda rider came and stop at the cart to read what was written on the box just put the money into the box and went I did not even get the chance to thank. I was stunned at his action I did not ask him and he did not bother to investigate me. I do not have the picture of the rider since he went so fast but attaching the picture of Lionheart baba.

Challenges and Overcoming Them:

We face many personal and external challenges while collecting donations

  • As we already had personal challenges I do like asking for money even for the right purpose. I overcame this with motivation from roommates and neighbors 🚀.
  • People ignore messages on online platforms. Well, we solve it by going in face to face. I just come from the office to pick up the bike on so cold nights go to my friends and kind of force them to give donations 😂.
  • There is already an Edhi center in Gulberg and some people they already donated. I am assuming with good intentions that they must have donated. So we ask just them just to become a part of this campaign to donate Rs 10 only😊.
  • Some people have hardwired religious beliefs so kick me out as soon they see or hear Edhi. I do not do much in this situation. So instill of arguing I politely say thanks and go to other shops 😥.
  • Time shortage due to my office works I usually come late and campaign at night so some shops were closed I did not capture my total audience for the campaign. However, due assignment deadline extension I was to work on it on weekend also 🤓.


The overall experience was a roller coaster. We got to learn so from it about the society we live in and our inner souls. We have learned that often rudeness will be slapped on our faces but we have to keep on moving forward like Edhi sb to create happiness in society. The satisfaction we get from kindness and helping others cannot be brought with money. I personally have made a promise myself to do donation collection after every 3 months even without someone telling me to do it like Amal's assignment. I believe this campaign was successful we were able to collect Rs 23,530. I am ending this writing with some moments of the campaign and screenshots of payment to the Edhi account. I also attaching a google drive link that contains all the screenshots as proof of payments we send to Edhi accounts.

Donation Drive

I am ending the article with a quote from Edhi sb.

“Empty words and long praises do not impress God. Show Him your faith by your deeds”
Abdul Sattar Edhi

Thanks, guys for being with me, and let’s meet again for another exciting experience.



Muhammad Zeeshan Ashraf

I am a Software Engineer and Programmer. I believe in power of change and i want change the world in better way by becoming an open source leader who help other