What exactly is heaven?

3 min readMar 9, 2022


We all know that the Bible has some pretty wacky ideas about what it means to be a good person, and I think we can all agree that God is pretty hard on people who hurt other people, or cheat on their spouses. The subject of “Heaven” is a tricky one to discuss, because we all have different ideas of what it means. To some people it’s a place where they’re reunited with loved ones after death. To others, it’s a place where people go after they die, where they go to be with God. On the other hand, some people think that their spirit travels to a place of eternal happiness and joy, where they live forever.

Sometimes we want to believe that we are in control of our lives, but often we are not. Most of us have a desire for something better, something that is beyond our comprehension. According to the Bible, we’ll be judged on the basis of our good deeds and not our bad ones. Yet we are still uncertain about what is going on in the afterlife and where we’ll spend eternity.

1.Holy place

While we all hope for a better place to live after we die, we are still not sure exactly what it will look like. Some say it will be a utopia, others a place of infinite bliss. Still others believe it will be a place of unending happiness and joy.We all have our own ideas of what heaven is like. It might be a place filled with clouds, a place with angels, a place where there is no pain, a place where we can be happy and healthy forever. While some of these descriptions may not be entirely accurate, they do give an idea of what a person may think of when they think of heaven.

Heaven for the non-believer is a place where all the physical pains and misery we experience on earth will be over and done with, and all the people, places and things that remind us of the past will be gone. The idea of an afterlife is a very important part of the human experience, and is often depicted in religious works of art, as well as in movies and books.

2.Worship place

There are many ways to describe heaven, and a multitude of opinions on what exactly it is. Some believe it is a place that we go after we die, others believe it is a place of eternal happiness and joy, others believe we are transformed by God into a being of light and knowledge.

Many believe that we will be allowed to see our deceased relatives, others believe that we will get to meet them in the afterlife, while others believe that they will be in a state of bliss and joy, and that we will never be able to say goodbye.It is a marvellous concept that there is an afterlife, one where we will live forever, and be able to worship God in a pure and undisturbed way. It is a wonderful idea that there is an afterlife, one where we will live forever, and be able to worship God in a pure and undisturbed way.

3.Community place

There are a lot of different opinions about what heaven is. Some people claim it is a place where no pain exists, others where everything is perfect, and some even claim to have been there and returned. The truth is that no one really knows what heaven is like.

Now, you may not believe in heaven and you may think the concept is ridiculous, but millions of people — even people that don’t believe in heaven — do believe in heaven. We believe in heaven because we understand it. We believe in heaven because we have seen it. We can envision it. We know what it looks, smells like, and what it is like. And even if we don’t believe in it, we want to believe in it.




Zeeva Usman is a content marketing manager at Peter & Petra. When not working she loves to worship and sing for the Lord Jesus.