Abdulazeez Ola.
4 min readOct 3, 2020

4 Best Strategies To Get Work Done In Less Time

Working smart supersedes working hard. Working less and accomplishing more is not easy. It requires open of mind and creative thinking to discover more effective ways of doing things. All you have to do is,open to the possibility that your methods of doing things aren’t as effective as they could be. Below are the strategies you need.


Delegation means to entrust a task or responsibility to a person. We accomplish more of what we do by delegating. When you delegate to people, you think more effective. Failure to do that,and you will be dealing with pressures and challenges of leadership which is quite engulfing.

Many people refuse to delegate to others because they think it’s time consuming to train or give instruction. Also because of insecurity that people may do a better job and take their position. Because of pride of taking the whole credit. Lastly, lack of trust and confidence on people for doing a better job. But what they don’t know is that,effective delegating to others is the most powerful high leverage activity. It gives you more energy to high leverage activities and duties. J.C. Penny once said that,the wisest decision he ever made was to let go,after realizing that he couldn’t do it all by himself any longer.

Some steps to successfully delegating:

  • Select the right person. Stephen Covey says,to get a job done quickly is to give it to busy man. Don’t give a procrastinate person a job and expect quick result. So when you select a rightful person delegate to him.
  • Give them the right job. Of course you don’t delegate a job of an engineer to salesman. You delegate to people based on their expertise or what you think of them capable doing.
  • Trust them. Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the best in them.
  • Empower them with the means of carrying out a good job. You need to provide this means for a better result.

Is Not Everything That’s Really Urgent And Important

There are pressing issues that require urgent attention, that needed to be sorted out as quickly as possible. Also there are trivial matters that we pay more than necessary attention to. Things like regular phone calls, regular checking of mails,newspaper reading, social media as well as other pleasant activities. You look out and do the important things that will get you closer to achieve your goals in no time. You should be able to differentiate urgent and important from urgent but not important. When you have crises,health issues, deadline project and what a view,those are urgent and important. But random phone calls and pleasant activities like I’ve mentioned before may be urgent to you but not in any way important. And there would be consequences if you choose to do urgent but not important tasks.

The best way to master your time is to methodically focus on urgent and important tasks. Usually urgent but not important are distractions. They put you in a constant reply mode. You have to learn how to say yes to urgent and Important and discipline yourself to say no to urgent but not important.

To utilize time effectively and do more important work,question your choices always by asking yourself, is this really important? Discipline yourself not to deviate from important tasks anytime unplanned or trivial matters come in.

Organized And Prioritize Your Action

You can prioritize in a sequence manner by doing first thing first, second thing,third thing and etcetera. Your whole actions determine by what you have to do first, second and so on. Sometimes many or everything maybe important in your to do list, and might be tempted or pushed to do them at the same time,but don’t do that. Remember, one thing at a time in other not to affect your productivity in the process or even slowing you down. All you have to do is prioritize and to know what’s important,more important,and most important.

It always pays to organized your tasks and start your day by working on the most crucial ones first, when you’re more agile and active.

Adopt This Definite, Practical Approach

Write out a clear, concise statement of how you want your day to go in the following day. Planing tomorrow today is a powerful habit that will make you more productive. It makes your schedule start automatically in the following day without wasting time.