The last day

James Peter
2 min readFeb 27, 2015


After 6.5 years, today is my last day working at Melon Media, 89n, CheckDog & ManageFlitter.

It’s hard to find jobs that are as fulfilling as the one I've had here. From the frequent product & feature launches to building a sustainable product business, we've had many remarkable times. I've grown both professionally and personally by working with the amazing team here. I started as the sole developer at the company and grew to Co-Founder & CTO of the product business. Kevin Garber has been an amazing mentor and CEO. He’s taught me a lot about myself and provided a fantastic environment for me to expand my capabilities. I've met many great new friends who I will deeply miss working with. The hardest part of making this decision to move on was leaving this team behind.

I’m heading off to work on a side business I started last year — ChargeDesk — as well as launching a new startup very soon. Watch this space…

The future will continue to bring great things for Kevin and the rest of the team. They're working on some really exciting new parts of the business that I’m looking forward to watching go live in the near future. With the exceptional culture at Melon, there’s nothing the team can't accomplish.

ManageFlitter has been a core part of my identity for many years now and it definitely feels like I’m leaving a part of myself behind today.

Sometimes in life you need to make hard decisions and step out into the unknown. Today was one of those days for me.

“I’m not afraid of dying I’m afraid of not trying” ― Jay-Z




James Peter

Real developer. Pretend journalist and entrepreneur. Failed physicist. Human rationality enthusiast. Likely transhumanist. Enjoys big words.