10 Ordinary People Turned Extraordinary Heroes: War Stories You

Zen Areda
10 min readDec 16, 2023


War is often glorified and remembered through the actions of famous leaders and soldiers. However, behind every war hero, countless ordinary people have stepped up and displayed extraordinary courage and selflessness in the face of danger. These are the unsung heroes, the ones whose stories often go untold. In this article, we will shed light on 10 such individuals who went above and beyond their call of duty to become true heroes of war. These stories will inspire and amaze you and show that bravery knows no limits and can be found in the most unexpected places.

1. The Courageous Nurse — Margaret Corbin

During the American Revolutionary War, Margaret Corbin demonstrated tremendous bravery and selflessness as a nurse on the battlefield. Referred to as “Molly Pitcher,” she fought alongside her husband in the Battle of Fort Washington in 1776. When her husband was killed, Margaret took his place and operated the cannon in his stead. Despite suffering multiple injuries, she continued fighting and refused to leave her position until the battle concluded. Margaret’s courage and determination inspired those around her and earned her recognition as the first woman to receive a military pension. Her story serves as a reminder that heroes come in all genders and forms, and ordinary individuals can rise to become extraordinary, even in the face of adversity. Margaret Corbin’s legacy endures as a testament to the unsung heroes of war who have played a crucial role in shaping history.

Margaret Corbin’s exceptional legacy continues to inspire and shed light on the often unacknowledged heroes of war. Her remarkable story underscores the pivotal role played by ordinary individuals, regardless of their gender. Through her courageous actions at the Battle of Fort Washington, Margaret rightfully earned recognition as the first woman to be granted a military pension. Despite sustaining multiple wounds, her unwavering determination led her to steadfastly refuse abandoning her post until the battle’s conclusion. Margaret Corbin’s bravery and selflessness serve as a timeless reminder that anyone, in the face of adversity, can rise to exceptional heights, leaving an indelible mark on history.

Margaret Corbin’s extraordinary legacy endures as an inspiration and highlights the frequently overlooked heroes of war. Her remarkable story emphasizes the significant contributions made by ordinary individuals, regardless of gender. The Battle of Fort Washington showcased Margaret’s courage as she valiantly fought alongside her comrades, ultimately leading to her well-deserved recognition as the first woman to be granted a military pension. Despite enduring numerous wounds, Margaret displayed unwavering determination by steadfastly refusing to abandon her post until the battle’s conclusion. Her bravery and selflessness serve as a timeless reminder that anyone can rise to exceptional heights in the face of adversity, leaving an indelible mark on history.

Independent Dame: What You Never Knew About the Women and Girls of the American Revolution extends your reading.

The book “Independent Dames: is a compelling portrayal of the often-overlooked contributions of women and young girls during the American Revolution. Authored by Laurie Halse Anderson, the book sheds light on the roles played by women, highlighting their significant contributions beyond traditional narratives. Anderson explores how women became more independent in the aftermath of the Revolution but faced challenges in achieving property ownership, voting rights, and political representation. The narrative delves into the stories of women who spied, protested, provided medical aid, and supplied troops, offering a rich and diverse perspective on the historical events. Through purposeful storytelling, the book challenges stereotypes and showcases the determination and resilience of women in shaping the course of American history.

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2. The Fearless Chaplain — Four Chaplains

During times of war, amidst chaos and destruction, we witness the remarkable bravery and hope of certain individuals. World War II saw an extraordinary group of four men known as the Four Chaplains, who epitomized the true meaning of selflessness and sacrifice. In 1943, their troop ship, the USS Dorchester, was attacked by a German submarine, and in the face of imminent danger, these chaplains — Reverend George Fox, Rabbi Alexander Goode, Father John Washington, and Reverend Clark Poling — displayed unwavering courage and composure. They made the selfless decision to give up their life jackets to save others, fully aware that doing so would cost them their own lives. As the ship sank into the frigid waters of the Atlantic, these four chaplains clasped arms and offered prayers together, providing comfort and solace until their final moments. Their heroic actions transcended religious differences and became a potent symbol of unity and love amidst the horrors of war. The story of the Four Chaplains serves as a poignant reminder that, even in the bleakest times, there exist individuals who embody the highest ideals of humanity and inspire us all.

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Their enduring legacy stands as a testament to the indomitable power of compassion and unity. The Four Chaplains’ unwavering dedication to aiding others, even in the face of death, serves as a resounding reminder of the heroism that lies within each of us. Despite the tragic circumstances, their selfless act continues to shine as a symbol of hope and solidarity. The tale of the Four Chaplains endlessly inspires generations, reinforcing the notion that regardless of the darkness surrounding us, the radiant light of human kindness can guide us towards a brighter future.

Extend your readings on the following Book: The Immortals: The World War II Story of Five Fearless Heroes, the Sinking of the Dorchester, and an Awe-Inspiring Rescue”

The Immortals” unveils the gripping World War II saga of five heroes facing the Nazi U-boat threat. Thoroughly researched, it narrates the awe-inspiring events surrounding the sinking of the Dorchester, where bravery and sacrifice shone. Amid the chaos, four chaplains displayed remarkable courage, locking arms and praying as the ship sank. This true story portrays a young Black petty officer’s extraordinary bravery during the Dorchester’s sinking, capturing the essence of heroism in the face of adversity. An engrossing narrative of fearless individuals and an astounding rescue, “The Immortals” is a tribute to valor and the human spirit.

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3. The Stealthy Spy — Virginia Hall

In the shadows of war, where danger lurked at every turn, Virginia Hall emerged as a remarkable figure. As an American spy during World War II, Hall exhibited unparalleled bravery and resourcefulness. Known by the Gestapo as “The Limping Lady,” she successfully eluded capture while gathering crucial intelligence for the Allies. What made Hall’s accomplishments even more astounding was the fact that she did it all with a prosthetic leg, having lost her limb in a hunting accident. Despite this setback, she became one of the most effective and feared agents of her time. Hall’s audacious spirit and unwavering dedication to the cause inspired those around her and played a significant role in the Allied victory. Her story serves as a reminder that true heroism knows no bounds, and even the most unexpected individuals can rise to greatness in the face of adversity.

4. The Undeterred Rescuer — Nicholas Winton

Nicholas Winton may not be a household name, but his impact on history is immeasurable. During World War II, he played a vital role in saving the lives of hundreds of Jewish children from Czechoslovakia. Winton, a British stockbroker, organized the Kindertransport operation, which rescued children from Nazi-occupied territories and brought them to safety in England. Despite facing numerous obstacles and bureaucratic red tape, Winton tirelessly worked to secure the necessary paperwork, travel arrangements, and foster homes for these children. His unwavering determination and undeterred spirit saved the lives of 669 children, who would have otherwise perished in the Holocaust. Winton’s selflessness and bravery serve as a powerful reminder of the incredible impact that one person can have, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. His story is a testament to the power of compassion and the triumph of good over evil.

5. The Audacious Fighter — Nancy Wake

Nancy Wake, also known as “The White Mouse,” was a force to be reckoned with during World War II. As a member of the French Resistance, Wake fearlessly took on dangerous missions, often putting her life on the line to fight against the Nazi occupation. Her audacity and cunning allowed her to evade capture by the Gestapo time and time again. Wake’s relentless determination to undermine the enemy led her to become one of the Gestapo’s most wanted individuals, with a five-million-franc bounty on her head. Despite the constant danger, she showed no fear and continued to lead sabotage operations, providing crucial intelligence to the Allies. Nancy Wake’s unwavering bravery and unwavering commitment to the cause make her an unforgettable hero of war. Her story is a testament to the power of courage and the impact that one person can have in the face of adversity.

6. The Daring Diver — Carl Brashear

During a time of segregation and discrimination, Carl Brashear emerged as a trailblazer in the United States Navy. Despite facing countless obstacles, Brashear became the first African-American U.S. Navy Master Diver, a title he earned through his incredible determination and resilience. His story is one of relentless pursuit of his dreams, despite facing adversity at every turn. Brashear faced not only racial prejudice but also a life-altering accident that resulted in the amputation of his left leg. However, he refused to let these setbacks define him. Through unwavering determination and sheer grit, Brashear proved that nothing could hold him back from achieving his goals. His remarkable journey and inspiring spirit continue to resonate with people today, reminding us of all that with perseverance and courage, we can overcome any challenge. Carl Brashear’s story serves as a testament to the power of resilience and the ability of the human spirit to overcome even the greatest of obstacles.

7. The Selfless Doctor — Hawa Abdi

In a war-torn country like Somalia, where violence and poverty reigned supreme, Hawa Abdi stood as a beacon of hope and healing. Known as “Mama Hawa,” she dedicated her life to providing medical care and shelter to those in need, even when faced with incredible adversity. Throughout the Somali Civil War, Mama Hawa’s clinic became a sanctuary for thousands of displaced people, offering them a safe haven amidst the chaos.

But Mama Hawa’s commitment went beyond just providing medical care. She stood up to warlords and armed militias, risking her own safety to protect the vulnerable. Her resilience and determination were unwavering, even in the face of threats and violence. Mama Hawa’s selfless acts of bravery saved countless lives and inspired others to join her in her mission.

Today, Mama Hawa’s legacy lives on through the foundation she established, which continues to provide medical care and support to those in need. Her story is a testament to the power of compassion and the extraordinary impact that one person can have on the world. Mama Hawa reminds us that true heroism is not just found on the battlefield but in the hearts and actions of those who dedicate their lives to helping others.

8. The Unyielding Sailor — Doris Miller

During the chaos and uncertainty of war, some individuals rise above the rest and show extraordinary courage. Doris Miller, an African-American sailor, was one of those unsung heroes during World War II. Despite facing racial discrimination and limited opportunities, Miller’s unwavering determination and bravery would earn him a place in history. During the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, Miller displayed incredible bravery by manning a machine gun and shooting down enemy planes, even though he had not received any training in that position. His actions were pivotal in defending his ship, the USS West Virginia, from further damage. Miller’s courage and heroism broke down racial barriers and inspired others. His story serves as a reminder that true heroism can come from anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. Doris Miller’s legacy lives on as a symbol of resilience and bravery in the face of adversity.

9. The Resolute Translator — Sarah Emma Edmonds

Amid the chaos and uncertainty of war, some individuals step forward and demonstrate extraordinary courage and resilience. Sarah Emma Edmonds is one such unsung hero whose story deserves to be told. As a soldier during the American Civil War, Edmonds not only disguised herself as a man to join the Union Army but also worked as a spy and a nurse. What sets Edmonds apart is her ability to blend in and infiltrate Confederate lines, providing invaluable intelligence to the Union forces. Her determination and resourcefulness allowed her to transmit secret messages, even at great personal risk. Edmonds’ bravery and unwavering commitment to her cause made her a true hero of war. Her story serves as a reminder that heroes come from all walks of life and that even the most unexpected individuals can make a significant impact in times of adversity. Sarah Emma Edmonds’ legacy is a testament to the power of courage and the extraordinary potential within each of us.

10. The Brave Aviator — Billy Bishop

In the annals of aviation history, some stories capture the imagination and inspire generations. One such story belongs to Billy Bishop, a Canadian fighter pilot who became a legend during World War I. With his daring and exceptional flying skills, Bishop shot down an astounding 72 enemy aircraft, making him one of the top aces of the war. Known for his fearless attacks and relentless pursuit of the enemy, Bishop exemplified the spirit of a true hero. His unwavering determination and skill in the face of danger made him a formidable force in the sky. Bishop’s remarkable feats continue to awe and inspire aviators and enthusiasts alike. His story serves as a testament to the courage and audacity of those who push the boundaries and rewrite history. The brave aviator, Billy Bishop, remains a shining example of valor and resilience in the face of adversity.



Zen Areda

Passionate about healthy lifestyle. I share insights mostly on woman contributions and anything that improves life. #BookReview, #WomanLeadership etc.