The Legend of Queen of Sheba

Zen Areda
6 min readMar 6, 2024


Piero della Francesca- Legend of the True Cross — the Queen of Sheba Meeting with Solomon; detail. Created: Created 1452–1466, uploaded sept 14 2006 public domain

Throughout history, certain figures have transcended the boundaries of time, their stories whispered across millennia, captivating imaginations and sparking endless intrigue. The Queen of Sheba (queen Makeda in Ethiopian history) undoubtedly occupies a prominent space amongst such figures. Her legendary visit to King Solomon, immortalized in various religious and historical texts, has fueled curiosity and speculation for centuries. However, beyond the captivating narrative lies a woman shrouded in mystery, a ruler whose leadership abilities left an indelible mark on her kingdom and continue to inspire even today.

Pinpointing the exact historical identity of the Queen of Sheba remains an ongoing academic pursuit. References to her appear in the Hebrew Bible, the Quran, and various ancient texts, each offering unique interpretations and details. Archaeological evidence and historical accounts offer fragmented pieces of the puzzle, leaving much to interpretation and speculation. While the specific location of her kingdom is debated, many scholars place it in present-day Yemen or Ethiopia, regions renowned for their rich history and powerful female rulers.

Yemen and Ethiopia, separated by a mere sliver of sea, hold two halves of a captivating tale. While the historical truth may remain elusive, the emotional core of the narratives shines brightly. For Ethiopians, the Queen of Sheba is not just a historical figure, but a symbol of their rich heritage, a testament to their intellectual prowess, and a reminder of the enduring power of knowledge and love. Ancient Ethiopian texts like the Kebra Negest, known as the “Glory of Kings,” portray her as Makeda. She was a wise and prosperous ruler. This perception is reinforced by the enduring traditions, such as the Ethiopian royal lineage’s belief in their descent from the union of Makeda and Solomon.

In the end, perhaps the true beauty of the story lies not in pinpointing the queen’s origin, but in appreciating the richness and diversity of the narratives she inspires, each echoing across the Red Sea, a testament to the enduring power of human connection.

Little is known about the Queen’s personal life. Historical accounts and religious texts offer glimpses, painting a portrait of a ruler blessed with exceptional wisdom, unwavering leadership, and a deep thirst for knowledge. Legends depict her as a shrewd strategist and a skilled diplomat, adept at navigating the complexities of the ancient world. Some portray her as a powerful monarch renowned for her wisdom and wealth, while others depict her as a cunning temptress seeking to test King Solomon’s knowledge.

The Queen of Sheba’s realm was known for its flourishing trade, with frankincense, gold, and spices being some of its most valuable exports. Her kingdom’s strategic location at the crossroads of trade routes enabled her to build a robust economy, signifying her keen understanding of commerce and international relations.

The Queen of Sheba’s reign also witnessed the construction of magnificent architectural wonders, showcasing her commitment to cultural development and fostering a sense of national pride. These structures continued to stand as testaments to her legacy long after her rule.

Historical references indicate that the Queen of Sheba placed a strong emphasis on the welfare of her people. She took care to establish equitable laws and a fair system of governance, which fostered a feeling of safety and steadiness throughout her realm. This dedication to social justice solidified her reputation as a capable and caring ruler.

In Search of Wisdom the Intriguing Encounter with King Solomon

Scheibe aus dem “Jüngeren Bibelfenster” im Chor des Kölner Doms, Darstellung: Königin von Saba vor Salomo, Entstehung um 1280. CC BY-SA 3.0 Deed | Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported | Creative Commons

The most captivating chapter in the Queen’s narrative revolves around her encounter with King Solomon, the illustrious ruler of Israel, famed for his wisdom and piety. The whispers of King Solomon’s unparalleled wisdom reached the ears of the Queen, igniting a flame of curiosity within her. Intrigued by his reputation, she embarks on a significant journey riding a camel across long distances to reach Jerusalem. Laden with treasures — frankincense, myrrh, gold, and precious jewels — she arrived not just as a ruler, but as a scholar seeking to test the depths of Solomon’s intellect.

Theirs was a meeting not of political agendas, but of intellectual curiosity. The Queen, fueled by a desire to expand her knowledge and test Solomon’s renowned wisdom, presented him with a series of riddles. In response, Solomon is impressed by her intellect and resourcefulness, and they engage in a thought-provoking exchange, exploring the depths of her inquiries.

Legends about the Queen tell a fascinating story- She had a strange physical feature, a foot with a split toe. King Solomon was curious to find out if this was true. He devised a clever plan and turned the floor of the court into a mirror. When the Queen saw her reflection, she realized that her foot was perfectly normal, dispelling the rumor. This clever act not only revealed the truth but also demonstrated the King’s intelligence.

The Queen, undeterred, presented a challenge of her own. A barrage of riddles and questions, each intricately crafted, tested the King’s knowledge. With each eloquent response, Solomon not only satisfied the Queen’s curiosity but also established his reputation as a man of unparalleled wisdom.

Their encounter transcended the realm of riddles, blossoming into a profound exchange of ideas and perspectives. Solomon, deeply moved by the Queen’s genuine thirst for knowledge, shared his faith in Yahweh, the God he worshipped. The Queen, deeply impressed by Solomon’s wisdom and his unwavering faith in his God, is believed to have converted to Judaism, further solidifying the cultural and intellectual bridge forged between their two kingdoms.

A Twist of Fate: The Unbreakable Bond

Days turned into weeks, filled with riddles and debates. Makeda found herself captivated by Solomon’s wit and his unwavering faith. He, in turn, was drawn to her fiery spirit and her insatiable thirst for knowledge. But amidst the intellectual jousting, a deeper connection bloomed, a silent understanding that transcended words.

An agreement was struck between the two rulers: the Queen would remain as Solomon’s guest, with the caveat that neither would touch the other’s belongings. However, a cunning test awaited the Queen. A thirst, seemingly unquenchable, led her to break the pact by taking a sip of water. This, Solomon declared, released him from his vow, and their destinies became intertwined.

From this union, a son named Menelik was born and raised by the Queen on her own. As he grew older, a strong desire arose in him to meet his father. His trip to Israel reached its climax when he finally reunited with his father. When Menelik returned, he brought back an invaluable treasure: the Ark of the Covenant. According to legend, the Ark has remained in Ethiopia ever since, establishing Menelik’s position as both the firstborn and the ancestor of a lineage of Ethiopian kings.

The Enduring Allure of the Queen of Sheba

The Queen of Sheba’s story continues to resonate across millennia, a testament to her enduring legacy. While the debate about her origins may never be settled, the quest sheds light on the rich ancient cultures in both Ethiopia and Yemen.

Her legacy is strongly connected to history, religion, and folklore, reminding us how exchanging ideas can transform lives and the enduring fascination of the unknown. Her unwavering commitment to knowledge, exceptional leadership, and fearless exploration continue to motivate people around the world. The mysterious Queen of Sheba, forever remembered in historical accounts, stands as a testament to the timeless influence of curiosity, the pursuit of wisdom, and the potential for cross-cultural understanding to bring about significant change.



Zen Areda

Passionate about healthy lifestyle. I share insights mostly on woman contributions and anything that improves life. #BookReview, #WomanLeadership etc.