Regex Part III

2 min readJan 20, 2023

In this post, we’re going to dive deeper into how regex can be used to improve and optimize your dataset processing challenges, and provide some more examples of how to use these patterns.

Data Cleaning

One area where regex is particularly useful is in text data cleaning.

For example, say you may have a dataset of text that contains unwanted characters, such as extra spaces or line breaks, or that needs to be standardized in some way. With regex, you can write patterns to identify and remove these unwanted characters.

Here’s an example of a regex pattern that can be used to remove extra spaces from a string of text:

"^ +| +$"

For a pattern specific to tabs, we can use the following.

"^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$"


Another area where regex can be useful is in text data extraction.

For example, you may have a dataset that contains information that you want to extract and analyze, such as dates, phone numbers, or email addresses. With regex, you can write patterns to identify and extract this information, making it much easier to analyze and work with.

Here’s an example of a regex pattern that can be used to extract phone numbers from a string of text:


Now this would work with phone numbers being in the format of 3 digits (area code), 3 digits, 4 digits.

The same above pattern wrapped in a bit of Python code could like the following

Python code snippet showing a regex pattern matching phone numbers

These examples showed text cleaning and text extraction. In addition to these use cases, regex can be used to perform many other text processing tasks such as search and replace, text manipulation, and validation.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, regex is a powerful tool as shown in this Regex series.
It can be used for text data cleaning, data extraction, validation, and many other tasks. With the right knowledge and practice, you can start using regex to make your work much more efficient and effective.

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