How BowHunting Expanded on F&WS Lands

Zenifer elijabet
4 min readJun 24, 2018


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has signed a four-year agreement with the Archery Trade Association, the Bowhunting Preservation Alliance and Arrow Sport to increase archery and bow-hunting opportunities while building for wildlife conservation

Also, there is bow-hunters’ support with different bowhunting gadgets, tips, and guides. “This is another example where the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is strengthening partnerships with the hunting community,” Service Director Steve Williams said.

“These groups are on the forefront of wildlife conservation in the nation. Since 1985, excise taxes paid on bows and arrows have contributed more than $320 million to state conservation programs.”

Few Bow Hunting Expanded Lands

Augusta Area: components of the cities of Augusta, Farmingdale, Gardiner, Hallowell, and West historiographer. vital Note: at intervals the town limits of Augusta, you need to get an allow from the Augusta department of local government so as to participate within the dilated sports cervid Season.

Bowhunter area unit inspired to contact the Hallowell department of local government for data on municipal ordinances touching the discharge and possession of a bow and arrow in Hallowell.

Bangor Area: components of the cities of Bangor, Brewer, Hampden, Hermon, Old Town, town and Veazie. If you want to know about this thinks then see this link.

Bucksport Area: a part of the city of Bucksport. vital Note: Hunters area unit inspired to get a look map and different useful data from the Bucksport city workplace.

Camden Area: a part of the cities of an urban center, Owl’s Head, Rockland, Rockport, and Thomaston. vital Note: The Beauchamp purpose Sanctuary is receptive sports searching of cervid throughout any open season that permits sports instrumentality to be wont to hunt cervid.

Castine Area: A part of Castine south of the “British Canal.” vital Note: Hunters area unit inspired to get a look map and different useful data from the Castine city workplace.

Eliot Area: components of the cities of Eliot, Kittery and South Berwick.

Lewiston Area: components of the cities of reddish-brown, Hebron, Lewiston, and Minot.

Portland Metropolitan Area: components of the cities of Cumberland, Falmouth, North Yarmouth, Portland, Scarborough, South Portland, Westbrook, Windham, and Yarmouth. vital Note: The discharge of firearms and sports searching instrumentality is prohibited by ordinance within the entire town of Portland. This eliminates the likelihood of searching cervid anyplace in Portland (including coastal islands) at this point.

Waterville Area: components of the cities of Benton, Fairfield, Oakland, Sidney, Waterville, and Winslow. vital Note: Bowhunters’ area unit inspired to contact the Waterville department of local government for data on municipal ordinances touching the discharge and possession of a bow and arrow in Waterville.

The agreement encourages bowhunting

wherever compatible on units in the National Wildlife Refuge System, ensures the collection of conservation funding under the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act, and helps states use these funds for archery and bowhunting programs.

“This agreement goes well beyond the industry and the service. It includes all the archery and bow-hunting interest groups,” said Jay McAninch, CEO and president of the Archery Trade Association, the Bowhunting Preservation Alliance, and Arrow Sport. “Our agreement underscores bow-hunting as a conservation tool that is important for wildlife management and recreation across the country.”

The F&WS administers the Wildlife Restoration Program by distributing excise taxes collected on hunting equipment to each state wildlife agency for a variety of projects. Projects include the construction of archery ranges.

Bow-hunter education and training

Also, bow-hunter education and training start in archery education schools or in normal schools. It starts with mentoring programs; and urban, youth and special hunts. Funding is generated, in part, by excise taxes on bows and arrows. The Wildlife Restoration Program allocated nearly $204 million to state fish and wildlife agencies in 2017.

Hunting is permitted on 308 national wildlife refuges around the nation. To find out about bowhunting opportunities, contact your local refuge.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal federal agency responsible for conserving, protecting and enhancing fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats. The Service manages the 95million-acre National Wildlife Refuge System, which encompasses 544 national wildlife refuges, thousands of small wetlands and other special management areas.

The Agency enforces federal wildlife laws, administers the Endangered Species Act, manages migratory bird populations, restores nationally significant fisheries, conserves and restores wildlife habitat such as wetlands, and helps foreign governments with their conservation efforts.



Zenifer elijabet

Zenifer is a lead blog writer, blogger & content marketer, she publishes and manage the contents on many blogs.