How Blockchain can Help Foster Efficient Healthcare Services

Zenith Chain
5 min readNov 16, 2022


Healthcare is a field that needs constant monitoring and balancing. Data sharing, clinical trials & research efforts are just some of the many challenges healthcare systems globally face today. It is often one of the first industries that come to mind regarding Blockchain. That’s because Blockchain can solve many of the healthcare industry’s challenges, from interoperability to data security.

This blog post will look at the healthcare system’s problems and how Blockchain will help improve the healthcare industry.

The Problem with Current Healthcare Systems

Long Wait Times

With a life-saving industry on the line, it is impossible to overestimate just how vital healthcare is. It impacts the lives and well-being of every person in this world. The healthcare system has recently shifted to a more customer-centred approach, but existing solutions and the long queue of protocols and processes slow the transition. This leads many people without access or insurance for high-quality care since they can’t afford it on their own

Lack of Accountability and All round inefficiency

It’s no secret that healthcare systems around the world are struggling. For example, it’s estimated that nearly 30% of all healthcare spending is wasted in the United States. This amounts to about $765 billion every year! A large portion of this waste is due to inefficiencies in the system, such as redundant tests and procedures, administrative burdens, and Fraud.

Slow Flow of Patient Data

The healthcare sector also faces a significant problem with data management solutions. These technologies cannot provide an error-free and secure record, making it difficult for doctors or patients themselves when they need access to treat someone quickly and effectively during emergencies.

We all know that the healthcare system is chaos. With lives depending on quick actions, everything must happen seamlessly and successfully without any hiccups in communication between doctor offices or hospitals across the country — but this only sometimes occurs when dealing with human beings who make mistakes.

Blockchain technology is poised to solve many issues within our current healthcare infrastructure, such as data handling, which can lead to more efficiency during medical emergencies by ensuring all patient records are backed up simultaneously.

Let’s look at how Blockchain can help improve the healthcare industry.

1. Medical Data Sharing and Management

The lack of a reliable system to share patient data across healthcare institutions leaves patients vulnerable. The sad truth is that it is the reality of the health industry.

Blockchain can help medical institutions keep track of patients across borders and within their countries. Hospitals will be able to record data on both local and international systems, which is helpful for coordination among team members in charge of managing healthcare needs; it also reduces the cost associated when transferring records from one place together.

Medical data sharing and management facility will help you stay on top of the latest information, so your records always match what’s happening in real-time.

2. Drug Development and Supply Chain

The development of new medications is essential to help patients get the best treatment possible, but it’s only possible with accurate information. Blockchain provides an easy way for healthcare institutions and organizations involved in drug manufacture/distribution networks, such as pharmacies or other aspects like patient care that rely on supply chain management systems with blockchain technology integration.

Blockchain provides transparent records that ensure integrity across multiple agencies involved, thus creating trust among stakeholders

3. Access to Medical records

With Blockchain, patients can access and manage their medical records, scattered across different databases and institutions, without worrying about data deletion or false medication claims. Everything will be traceable through the records blockchain technology provides.

4. Smart Contacts

In a world where competition is fierce, individuals need to stay ahead. Blockchain can help healthcare institutions develop smart contacts to reduce costly inefficiencies and allow them swift payment methods so they don’t have to worry about late bills.

5. Eliminate Fraud

The world of healthcare is not without its problems. From cybersecurity and Fraud to safe transactions, it’s all here in today’s episode. But don’t worry; with the development of transparent hyper ledgers by Blockchain, you can continuously track payments and medical documentation, making your life much easier when dealing with this industry.

6. Reduce Paperwork

You can testify that having to do a lot of paperwork is a pain in the neck. Blockchain technology allows healthcare organizations to digitize and track their patient records, saving them hours daily from paper works. It will also make it easier for patients who need additional copies of transcripts or other documents related to medical services they’ve received at the clinic.

7. Error-free Systems

With a system based on Blockchain, you can easily create an error-free record. In the manual method of recording information, humans may make mistakes or duplicates exist in different files, which increases processing costs. Blockchain allows easy indexing patient data without errors and pairing them up with their corresponding medical history memories.

8. Allow for Data Interoperability

Imagine a world where all your medical records are in one place and easily accessible to anyone that needs them. That’s precisely how Blockchain can help you. It stores information in a cloud-based environment for doctors, nurses, or other stakeholders at different healthcare institutions around town.

9. Fast and Secure Payments

With Blockchain, healthcare institutions can provide efficient and secure payment solutions for their patients. Plus, it helps keep records of all transactions safe from hacker attacks.

Final Thoughts

Healthcare institutions that have been slow to adopt blockchain technology might want to think twice about their hesitation. The potential of this new development in healthcare depends on how willing you are, not just for its benefits but also because it’s an established system that has been proven successful time and again with many different uses across various industries, including finance and cybersecurity (to name two).

By implementing the blockchain system into their organization, organizations can gain access to many benefits that were previously only available through a partnership with other institutions. Blockchain has much potential, and it’s time for healthcare professionals across industries worldwide to start enjoying all these possibilities.



Zenith Chain

Zenith Chain is an innovative environment built to usher in web3 integrations at a greater scale.