Factions: The Salamanderz

Zenjin Viperz
2 min readApr 26, 2022


There was once only the World Snake. No one really knows how the Viperz came to be but it’s almost universally agreed upon that the Salamanderz (Sal-ah-man-derzh) were the first to slither in this world. While the Salamanderz were the first, they certainly didn’t carry forth the momentum and instead their technologies very much resemble the legends of yesteryear that archaeologistz have found; because of this the other factions see Salamanderz as no threat and are often viewed as being incredibly simple minded and as such no threat.

However if one were to take a closer look at the Salamanderz one would understand that all is not what it seems. Their homes and society while very simplistic also also follow a very specific rigid structure. The Salamanzerz also rarely eat uncooked food and insist on using unusual contraptions to help heat their food from below where possible, leaving minor charred marks that other factions cannot understand the appeal of. Their clothes are carefully selected and bound against the skin allowing Salamanderz to survive even the worst climates that many of their contemporary rivals are unable to sustain in.

Modern societies don’t understand why the Salamanderz seem to follow such archaic and unusual traditions such as holding on the skin which has been shed. To the Salamanderz however, these are things which should be celebrated and honored for they have served their purpose in life to them and the World Snake. It has been witnessed by observers that Salamanderz will often build shrines and perform rituals with this bio-waste to honour the dead.

It has been noted however that some observers have been known to not return from these rituals and if they are seen again, they’re often amongst the Salamanderz with incredibly mottled skin and incredibly willing to fight those who were once their allies in a mindless frenzy. Prior to the awakening of the World Snake the Salamanderz mostly kept to themselves. Now they prepare for war in any way possible.



Zenjin Viperz

Zenjin Viperz are a collection of 2,000 NFTs on the #Solana Blockchain.