Use-case dilemma

2 min readNov 20, 2020



From time to time, the question of Zenon’s use-cases is being addressed. As we are approaching important milestones, it is time to explain why fixing Zenon under a specific use-case can only be a limitation to what the Network of Momentum aims to achieve.

The hybrid applications built on Zenon will fall under a variety of use-cases, covering anything from decentralized storage solutions to DeFi or IoT.

The to-go framework for zApp developers

To describe the matter as simple as possible, Zenon aims to be the “to-go” framework for developers researching better tools and environments and for users seeking superior utilization experiences. A vibrant place for native tokens created on NoM or a new home for tokens shifting to the Zenon Token Standard but also for the zApps being built on the Network of Momentum.

Approaching milestones

Step by step we are getting close to start unveiling years of ongoing protocol development, which is only the beginning. A premiere dual-coin mechanism, a state of the art wallet hosting ZNN, QSR, ZTS and various SDKs built for zApp developers, all powered by a decentralized network where users are finally in charge.

If we need to limit the scope of Zenon and the Network of Momentum under a single specific use-case, the following one should be the most appropriate — a robust platform designed to unlock a new dimension of possibilities for apps.

