Exploring The World of Mandalas

Zen Sangam
4 min readMay 16, 2020


Zen Sangam

“The integrated view of the world represented by the mandala, while long embraced by some Eastern religions, has now begun to emerge in Western religious and secular cultures. Awareness of the mandala may have the potential of changing how we see ourselves, our planet, and perhaps even our own life purpose.”
(From Mandala: Journey to the Center, by Bailey Cunningham)

Mandala is not just a word but it is the representation of the Universe itself, a mandala is both the microcosm and the macrocosm, and we are all part of its intricate design. Thou we all are part of its design, we are aware of it as merely an Art Form.

Mandala is more than an image seen by our eyes, it is a moment captured in time that can make you realize the wholeness of life and nature of existence. From Buddhist stupas to Muslim mosques and Christian cathedrals, these circular complex design patterns can be observed and all have some spiritual and meditative purpose.

The World of Mandalas is too large to explore and understand its true meaning and virtue. But this cosmic diagram reminds us of the limitless world that exists both beyond and within our bodies and minds.

Floral Mandala

The truth is that we never directly see, hear, smell, taste, or touch phenomena, or do we?

No, and the reason is that we only experience our mind’s reconstruction of them. It’s that relative sense of relationship that makes you indirectly feel connected.

We have the sensation of movement, but we never actually go anywhere. We have the sensation of seeing, but we never truly see something.

And this is the central aspect of Mandala which focuses on experiencing life at the level of the mind.

Others also feel the same connection as you are feeling but everyone’s experiences are different. They are not the same because each living being interprets and relates to the world differently.

So till now, we know Mandalas can be related to your life, thus we can also say for each individual on a particular day experience some kind of Mandala. But we also experiences a mandala when studying a new discipline, with our career, and with each individual with whom we have a relationship.

For example, a city might be considered a mandala that exists as part of the larger mandala of the country in which it resides. But a country forms part of the mandala of the world, that in turn, forms part of the mandala of the universe. And the universe forms part of the mandala of the multiverse

Buddha Mandala

If you think Mandala as a part of only the spiritual universe then you are wrong. According to string theory proposed by the field of quantum physics, the multiverse comprises multiple dimensions and therefore exists as part of a mandala that is much larger or even of infinite magnitude. This shows the vastness of Mandalas.

Let’s Discuss the “Mandala of the Present Moment”, which comprises of smaller mandalas that are directly or indirectly connected to the movement of Us. Even the slightest of energy and intention carried by a single breath or thought reverberates throughout time and space. And we need to understand this for not only the betterment of the present but also our future.

Crafting the Mandala of Present Moment

Crafting the Mandala

Crafting the Mandala using creativity and imagination is fun but we also can craft the Mandala of the Present. This does not require planning or mental energy but only a sense of awareness. Therefore, if we practice present-moment awareness and infuse our thoughts, words, and actions with gentleness and compassion, this positive intention touches everything residing within the periphery of our mandala.

When we humans start understanding along with just experiencing this at the level of the mind, we can see the transformation in our lives. If we humans start letting things go and leave the anger behind, the situation will change. You will become more optimistic and realize things are going in your favor.

Benefits of Creating Mandalas

  • Relaxes the body and mind
  • Cultivates the feeling of happiness, inner peace, and general well-being
  • Eases stress, anxiety, worry, fear, and depression
  • Activates creativity and improves focus
  • Enhances self-esteem and self-acceptance
  • Fosters a sense of connectedness with one’s self and others
  • Improves sleep
  • It’s fun!

In our next blog, we will explore the benefits of creating Mandalas and also how can we draw Mandalas ourselves. If you are interested in creating Mandalas visit http://zensangam.com/ and explore the world of mandalas on our Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/zen_sangam/ .

