Squad Busters: Mastering Battles and Techniques

2 min readJun 11, 2024


In the dynamic world of Squad Busters, battles are extremely intense, and victory is hard-won. Many commanders find themselves losing half their squad with each encounter with another squad, struggling to secure victories that aren’t necessarily advantageous. But don’t be afraid, because within the chaos lies strategies and awareness that can turn the tide of battle.

Evaluate Your Squad

Before diving into battle, take some time to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your own squad. Do you have a solid frontline to absorb damage and a reliable damage dealer to dish it out? Check the health of your squad and compare your fusion level to that of your opponent.

The Importance of Chests

Chests are the main source of your team’s numbers. Having an extra member not only adds to your firepower but also gives you an extra life. As long as your team is not completely wiped out, there is still a chance of winning. Opening chests requires a lot of gold, so when selecting your team members for the first time, choose one that will bring you more benefits. With the support of chests, reaching the top three or even the first place will be much easier.

Utilize Turbo Boosts

In intense battles, turbo boosts are your best friend. Having a turbo disadvantage can turn the tide of battle against you, and if you can’t win, you can immediately retreat. So make sure you’re not at a disadvantage when facing the enemy.

Long-range Strikes

Before fully engaging in battle, engage in small-scale conflicts first. Your squad’s circle is very expansive, providing opportunities for long-range attacks. Before fully engaging in battle, first test the situation by dealing damage or eliminating targets from a distance. This not only weakens the enemy’s defense but also weakens their strength before full engagement.

Consider Squad Busters Top-Up

For those who find it challenging to improve their skills, consider a Squad Busters top up. Drawing a high-level character can provide a significant advantage on the battlefield, allowing you to dominate the game with powerful firepower.

Remember these strategies and techniques, commanders can confidently navigate the battlefield of Squad Busters and defeat the most formidable enemies. May your squad dominate in adversity!

