Time Philanthropy

Zerit Teklay
2 min readAug 25, 2019

As a philanthropist, I strongly believe that it would be a shame for us to take our knowledge and wisdom to the graveyard.

Shall we wake up from deep sleep? I choose to give and take by sharing anything that can help others! Let anyone in need of your knowledge access it, so they can benefit from it. No matter how small or big your expertise may be, you can feed and be feed by sharing.

What works for someone else may not work for you, however you can adapt, modify, tailor and creat what does work for you. You must know how nice a custom made suit looks like and fits.

Similarly, your time management policy must be custom made by you and you only. Do you have a time management policy regarding phone calls, texts, emails and missed calls? Everyone in your phone book is there for a reason. My action plan for returning messages from my family, friends, and colleagues is in the order they were received because every missed message has a sense importance. I treat every contact in my phone book equally regardless of their status, title, or success, because it is a good way of life- fair and just. I feel I should aim to treat others in the way I would like to be treated. Time is the greatest gift I can give to my family, friends, colleagues, or anyone else that needs my attention.

I encourage everyone to get out of their comfort zone and realize sharing knowledge is a philanthropic act. I admire and honor the service of sharing education, wisdom, and knowledge to benefit the world. In this light, a philanthropic act is not only donating money or material goods, but also donating knowledge, information, and wisdom. Even writing an article can be a philanthropic act.

How do you gift your time with others?

[ please share 1–2 sentences]



Zerit Teklay

Close Family, friends and colleagues describe me as Well Educated, Calm under pressure, outgoing ,Chatty, Engaging, Savvy, Classy professional & Very Trusty