How to Use Leverage on Cryptocurrencies?

Crypto Basics
2 min readMar 29, 2022


Using leverage in crypto trading allows you to control larger positions and make more profits. Leveraged trading is a more advanced method than just using your deposits to buy or sell cryptocurrencies. When trading with leverage, the amount to open a trade in Bitcoin leveraged trading is called margin. Traders can use leverage to establish long and short positions, allowing them to take profits and bet on the cryptocurrency’s price moving in either direction. However, leveraged trading can be more profitable for traders willing to take more risk.

I find this to be a great way to hedge risk and increase my chances of getting involved in the next top-performing cryptocurrency, so I’m only focusing on a range of cryptocurrencies that are profitable investments for me.

Leverage is a key feature in trying to make money from cryptocurrencies and can be a powerful tool for traders. You can use it to take advantage of relatively small price movements, “equip” your portfolio for larger position sizes, and grow your capital faster.

Leverage gives you more exposure to risk through the use of deposits (called margin). Essentially, you only put in a fraction of the full value of the transaction.

How to choose a leveraged platform?

You can choose a platform with a high rate of return like BTCC, which loses up to the amount of the deposit. But you can get a high leverage report of 150x.
Choosing a similar platform will help you to share your risks, and you can quickly obtain a corresponding high return ratio in a short period of time.

What is a leveraged crypto account?

Leveraged trading can seem a little daunting at the beginning. But once you have the skills, you can trade in high yield markets. Before choosing cryptocurrency trading, be sure to invest your valuable time in understanding the unique features and risks associated with it. After a lot of research, you can learn the basic concepts of leveraged trading from numerous sources, but invest your hard-earned money on the right platform. Investing smaller amounts in leveraged trading will give you plenty of room to learn and reduce the risk of huge losses.

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