Team Zero Weekly Newsletter

Zero Currency
Published in
7 min readApr 30, 2018

Issue #3

Welcome to issue №3 of the Zero Weekly Newsletter!

We hope you have been keeping well; it’s really great to see the community increasing daily on all social media fronts with Discord, Twitter, and Telegram users swelling at a super rate.

If you can offer a hand in anyway, please feel free to speak up in the Discord or Telegram chats. There have been some brilliant community infographics released this week, and a big thank you to Viktor who has also been busy in the Discord channel corralling volunteers to assist with translations of the ANN channel in multiple languages.

The more awareness of Zero, the better, so thank you for your efforts.

This is also a great time to also remind any newcomers (as there are so many now!) of Zero’s mission statement; ‘Steady growth through quality deliverables’.

In light of the above comment, and with regards to exchanges and other potentially price increasing accessories to Zero, the solid foundations of the project need to be laid now in terms of a structure, schedule to work to, and establishment of critical project deliverables (as the team have been doing). The statement of walking before we run rings true here.

Whilst the roadmap and whitepaper (Version 1.0) are very close to completion, we have strategically held off on a donation campaign to assist with raising funds for exchange listings until these key items have been released.

This boils down to the fact that we want people to know what end product they are donating to for a fair and transparent process.

Once the roadmap and whitepaper have been released, we will then kick into a donation and marketing campaign.

(Note for new comers — please bear in mind that at this point in time Zero relies solely on donations from the community as there was no pre-mine or ICO with this coin originally. We are working to implement a dev / founders fee, so please read further and watch this space. Every person involved with Zero — inclusive of the dev team — are volunteering their time and efforts to the project)

On a responsible note, we are all here to deliver a rock steady project that can be utilised in a full circle application that offers value in a real world sense. For anyone interested in investing — please do your own research prior to committing to any project, and we ask you to please not blindly commit to a project because someone else told you to.

As always though, thank you for all of your continued efforts and support — look out for some great deliverables coming out very soon with all official releases and announcements made on Discord, Telegram, and Twitter.


Our weekly conference call / meeting occurred last night as usual on Discord, and again covered some great ground with the sequence of events that flow on for the project.

It’s a great to see the team’s commitment for our meetings that start at 7am for a couple of the members, to 3pm for another, to 5 pm for three more, and then 10pm for the last one. All on a Sunday too.

Whitepaper & Roadmap

The whitepaper (Version 1.0) is very close to being finalised, and will provide the background of the planned features of Zero to complement the roadmap.

The initial whitepaper will not be a full technical bible per planned deliverable so to speak, but provide the overall higher level information on where Zero has been, where it is at the moment, and where it is heading in the future.

We will look to release individual technical papers to cover the major implementations as per the roadmap in due course.

The roadmap will be based on the whitepaper (version 1.0), and will also be released very soon.


Cryptoforge is super busy now bug hunting in the new Windows wallets, with internally resourced testing occurring this coming week, and an official release not too far after this.

(To reiterate from last week — the UI is also looking super sleek, and thanks to MuphDiV3r @Amazon too for the contribution on this one!)

In regards to the mobile wallet, some further works need to be completed in the background in terms of a secure API and Zero node structure. We will then secure additional secure servers to host the wallet.

We don’t have an ETA on this one while the workings are determined (ie bounty or internally resourced), but please bear with us. We don’t want to release a product that could be flawed in some way, or not secure.

To again reiterate an item from last week’ meeting:

In terms of tutorials for our new suite of wallets, Ingar and Rick will have some handy helping points available shortly for a clear and concise approach to running the wallets. This is great to have as the community organically increases, and we can all no doubt pick up some great information from this initiative.

We also have an Electrum wallet & Arizen wallet to release, once the windows wallet is completed.

General & Developer Funding

We now have a solid understanding of the structure of the developer / founder fee that other coins have implemented, and Walter is busy in the background covering critical ground on this aspect.

As stated in the intro, we solely rely on donations from the community at this point in time, so the dev / founders fee is highly important to the overall planning of Zero.

This was a coin that had no pre-mine or ICO, and we cannot, and do not plan on relying on the community or investors for donations forever.

We will again keep you informed on this topic in newsletters to come with further developments.


Zero’s Twitter account is now at 1,402 followers at time of publication, which is astounding considering that the account was only launched 2.5 weeks ago.

We are forever grateful to see that there is also a lot of cash-tagging for ZER, and also many mentions from reputable Twitter personalities helping with the cause.

There was also the instance of the leaked pump and dump discussions from some (not-so-reputable-anymore) popular Twitter personalities where ZER got a mention. To take a positive from a potential negative, we did get some free publicity out of this one, and you know what they say about any type of publicity…..

To conclude this topic though, the marketing can really ramp up once we make public the plans for Zero with the release of the whitepaper and roadmap.

Listings on Exchanges

We are now up to our 36th exchange that has been contacted to ascertain their specific listing requirements, so quite an effort in itself just covering this ground.

Some exchanges have a fair and reasonable cost to list, and some have listing fees that are so high, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth after you say them out aloud!

Humour aside though, while we are yet to secure the funding to commit to an exchange just yet, we have narrowed down a couple of reputable outlets that are interested in working with us (providing we cover their fees of course).

To reiterate per the introduction of this newsletter, we are very close to kicking off the donation campaign to secure the funding required to list on exchanges once we have the whitepaper (Version 1.0), and roadmap out.

With respect to the above comments, rather than encounter a default success story through the association of an exchange (if an exchange were to list us without a whitepaper, roadmap, and no fees), Zero is better received by defining our own brand first, with the finishing touches being the whitepaper and roadmap.

This is an ongoing mission with listings on new exchanges, so the first listing on an exchange (of hopefully many) for Community takeover 2.0 will no doubt be tremendously exciting to say the least!


The website is no doubt looking clean and professional, and hosted and designed by Ingar, so a big thank you for the continued effort on this one.

There will shortly be some updated pages on the website based on already-mentioned-soon-to-be-released-deliverables, and also regarding new donation wallets for the exchange listings and a general donations wallet that complement our existing development wallet.

Ingar is also busy working away on the UI of the new wallet to tie in a universal Zero branding and colour scheme for Zero’s deliverables.


Thank you again to anyone who has been kind enough to have donated to our cause. We really do appreciate what the community has offered us as part of the community takeover.

We will have published the below addresses for donations very soon on the website, official announcements, Twitter etc, but please see the below in the meantime:

Developer Donation Wallet

Exchange Listings Donation Wallet t1WFymzcfzUPttYExprMyt1RPtyHWkic1WV

General Donation Wallet

Please feel free to continue to donate to our addresses, as every little bit helps!

Meme / GIF of the Week

What is Zero without the memes hey? We are pleased to now have a weekly meme / gif that will be incorporated into the newsletter for a bit of fun each week.

This weeks winner:

Gif Winner

Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support, and again, is great to be a part of such a strong community.

Team Ƶero



Zero Currency

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