The first year of ZeroNet

3 min readFeb 1, 2016


Around 1 year ago the first public version of ZeroNet was released. It allows you to create interactive, P2P websites that runs without any server. Since the first version, to extend the possibilities of the network lots of new features were added:

Multi-user sites

It allows the site owner to define per-file permissions, so the users are able to post new comments, upvotes, etc. without contacting the site owner. The site owner also has ability to limit user’s files total size or type of uploaded files.

SQL database

The built-in SQLite database engine makes sites load faster and also greatly simplifies the development process. The records synchronize the same, P2P way as any other file.

OpenProxy support

Browse and interact ZeroNet sites without downloading anything.

Namecoin domains

Easier to remember site addresses using .bit domain names instead of 35 character long addresses. There is also a Chrome plugin that allows you to access ZeroNet sites like any other site on the internet, eg. by typing http://blog.zeronetwork.bit in address bar.

Optional files

Allows the site owner to define files that are only downloaded when the user’s browser requests it. It makes possible to create larger sites (eg. photo galleries) without overloading the visitors disk.
Large file (>1MB) hosting support is planned later.

Encrypted connections

To make the network more resilient to surveillance by encrypting the connection between peers using TLS.

AES & ECIES API functions

Makes it possible to create end-to-end encrypted data and messages.

Anonymity with full Tor support

Greatly increase privacy by communicating and host sites using .onion instead of IPv4 addresses.


Follow your favorite sites in a simple, clean and customizable newsfeed. You can choose what you want to see: new topics/comments/new blog posts.

And many other features…

What’s next?

We still committed to make the internet more decentralized and have tons of ideas. Will try to focus on content by creating new sites: Infinetly scalable social site, Github-like project hosting, Marketplace, Image hosting, …

And core enhancements also planned: I2P and IPv6 network, Big file support, Intelligent optional files cache limit, Content deduplication, Private sites, …

Stay tuned for 2016 :)

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open, free, and uncensored
network and communication.

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