Upcoming feature: Merger sites

2 min readJun 27, 2016


The currently under development, merger sites feature will allow you to separate the data and the display logic into multiple sites.

This will result in multiple benefits:


Every user/language/category/etc. can be put to separate site, so you can create large sites without any problem, because the visitors will only seed the content they are interested in. To showcase this, there will be a twitter or facebook-like social site, where you only seed and receive updates for the users (or user groups) you are interested in.


The merger sites will also have positive effect on decentralization:
Because the data and the display logic is separated you can easily create your own version of the display logic site and you (and any user who will use your changed display logic site) will be still able to access the same data (eg. profiles) as the original one. (For example: Dark design, New interaction forms, Different list ordering, New features, etc.)


If you want to avoid to run untrusted javascript code you can pause the display logic site, review the source and you will still receive and see the new content on profiles you following. Using the clone feature and a version management software (eg. git) you can review the later changes before accepting it to your own version of the site.


It’s progressing well, there was some technical challenges, but I think the core modification done now. Currently building the social site. I will try to publish it before my vacation (next week going to Italy for some weeks), but I try to make it as bug-free as possible, so maybe it will be done after my vacation.

This post in P2P, Decentralized way on ZeroNet:




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