But Who Owns Your Online Creative Works?

5 min readAug 3, 2023

zeroone launches cultural distribution engine with Avalanche to make it easy and affordable for creatives everywhere in the world to create eternal blockchain content with immutable proof of ownership through web3 technology.

Do you really own your creative works online?

What happens if someone uses copies of them without your permission, and profits from your work online?

The definition of ownership is rapidly evolving amidst our digital age, especially in the wake of generative AI. For creators especially, ownership of their creative works is critical for their digital identities and livelihoods.

This is why zeroone has launched its private beta.

Unlocking new possibilities for creatives by making blockchain accessible to all, globally

Putting your work on the blockchain is one way of creating an immutable digital proof of ownership. However, until recently web3 technology has been too complicated or expensive for many creatives worldwide to participate.

Unlike fickle social media algorithms that favor big advertisers over independent artists, and employ censorship that can have biases against women or activists, blockchain technology offers an opportunity to level the playing field.

At zeroone, we firmly believe that creators should always have full control over their digital content. And that all creative works should have the ability to exist eternally.

Creators should not be held hostage by biased algorithms, nor powerless to how their content is used or delivered. Many social platforms reap the benefits of creators’ works through monetizing their content with ads, and only provide a small cut of their profit to creators, if at all.

Creators’ works power the “attention economy,” but so far they still don’t have full agency over their content or how it’s monetized.

Instead, we envision a future where creators can decide everything for themselves. And the ability to make those decisions should be simple and affordable.

How transactions work inside zeroone’s Cultural Distribution Engine

Every user is encouraged to freely express their creativity, which will be registered through a two-step minting process on the blockchain, thanks to Avalanche blockchain’s fast and reliable transaction speed.

Thanks to Avalanche’s technology, we are able to have low costs for every transaction, and are able to cover all transaction fees for creators.

That means there are no fees for anything you create or collect on zeroone!

Preview of creative works on zeroone’s Cultural Distribution Engine
Preview of creative works on zeroone’s Cultural Distribution Engine

Once again, zeroone is NOT a marketplace.

No money is exchanged inside our platform, and there are no fees. Instead, artists can freely share their works to build deep connections with loyal supporters and potential collaborators.

However, if someone ever chooses to sell something they collected inside zeroone on a secondary market, they can do that. And if they do, the artist will receive royalty for every sale ever made on the blockchain.

zeroone makes it easy for artists to create and customize contracts. Creators choose what royalty percentages they want for secondary sales.
zeroone makes it easy for artists to create and customize contracts. Creators choose what royalty percentages they want for secondary sales.

zeroone also supports both standard and customized contracts, allowing creators to set their own royalty percentages for secondary sales.

Showcasing a creator’s TRUE WORTH beyond just “likes” and market prices, zeroone is not a marketplace or social media platform.

Potentially detrimental aspects of social media such as ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ don’t exist inside zeroone. Instead, the platform focuses on fostering a more constructive approach to community engagement, emphasizing the high-quality interactions over quantity.

To collect a creation, one must first share their own, fostering a sharing ecosystem among passionate creatives rather than a mere transactional marketplace.

Intimate dining among creatives at zeroone’s private artist retreat in upstate New York during NFT week 2023.
Intimate dining among creatives at zeroone’s private artist retreat in upstate New York during NFT week 2023.

Genuine connection lies at the heart of zeroone. The platform strives to serve as a hub for cultural integration, providing visibility for creative thinkers. After all, as Ludovica Rosi, zeroone’s co-founder, stated, “Visibility fuels cultural progress, an essential aspect of our existence.”

zeroone features “Geo Mode,” a way to discover creative works globally, and “virtually travel” by exploring eternal cultural works from creators around the planet
zeroone features “Geo Mode,” a way to discover creative works globally, and “virtually travel” by exploring eternal cultural works from creators around the planet

zeroone has shifted the focus from market value to a greater appreciation of social value. A creator’s social value, which offers a comprehensive understanding of a creator’s worth, is paramount for their long-term success and distribution. It transcends mere market performance, focusing on social recognition and cultural impact.

zeroone provides new opportunities for independent creators and underdogs, globally

The zeroone team emphasizes the importance of making creators from around the world visible, which is highlighted through a cool interactive global map. This map aims to bridge cultures and minimize distances, encouraging cultural exchange and integration by highlighting where creations are most actively being created and collected. In this manner, zeroone nurtures a global community of users, stimulating innovation and fostering a more interconnected world.

Furthermore, zeroone promotes creators as tastemakers, encouraging users to freely collect others’ works in one click.

Discover how simple and accessible it is to collect artworks from your favorite creators on zeroone, with zero fees
Discover how simple and accessible it is to collect artworks from your favorite creators on zeroone, with zero fees

zeroone mission and goals

Ultimately zeroone strives to create a less stressful world for creatives. We want to reduce the stress most creators currently experience when attempting to build livelihoods from their works. Instead of having to worrying about staying on top of changing algorithms, pleasing collectors or the mainstream media — we hope they can simply focus on creating.

We are driven to create a world where art can be made for art’s sake.

The zeroone team hopes by giving a place and space for creativity to flourish, this can be achieved.

We hope you enjoy our platform and…

  • use it as a place where you feel comfortable to play and experiment
  • make genuine connections that support and celebrate creativity
  • find new inspiration you might have otherwise never discovered
  • discover new creative collaboration opportunities amongst global creatives big and small
  • …and more!

We’d also love to hear what you hope to see from the platform. Please join our telegram group to share your thoughts and follow us on our journey through Twitter and Instagram.

Make sure to sign up for the zeroone beta now to get a head start on experiencing a new and innovative way to create, collect, and connect. (Please share it with your creative friends too!)

Sign up for the zeroone beta before it becomes a closed network at: https://medium.com/r/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fzeroone.art

After the beta ends, zeroone will become a closed network. When this happens, only people inside the network will be allowed to invite new users, so you don’t want to miss out on their beta!




Next-gen cultural discovery and distribution engine