The Cristeros

Zero Schizo
5 min readJul 26, 2022


Cristeros from Mexico, circa 1926

By Max Vindex, from the CNT-1611
Translated by Zero Schizo

“The ‘Church’ is the idol of the priestly parasite. The ‘State’ is the idol of the political parasite. Beware O, America! that in escaping from the holy trickery of the monk, you fall not an easy prey to ‘the loving kindness’ of the politician.” — Ragnar Redbeard

The Cristeros War was an event that shook Mexico, a country which was going through a large revolutionary period.

The government of Gral. Calles threatened the great power which even in the 20th Century, the Catholic Church still had with the people, then they used the faith of the peasants in order to create armed militias that defined themselves as “cristeros”.

Praised by the rancid Mexican right, the cristeros were a tool of the Vatican in their struggle for power and interference on top of our national sovereignty, they have their merit on being factions of guerrilleros with the will to fight, but all that human potential was used by the Church according to their own interests.

Authors affiliated to the right, put the cristeros as an example of heroism and nobility, but this strays from the historical truth, in reality the cristeros were militias of goons who murdered rural teachers, terrorized villages, they recruted kids by force and generally killed anyone who disagreed with their Catholic fundamentalism. They weren’t much different from today’s drug cartels on their deeds.

The cristeros had good military men among them, one of those was Enrique Gorostieta, mercenary from whom there are rumors of being a freemason and other rumors (that of the conservatives) said that he was a fervent Catholic, and another was Victoriano Ramírez aka “El Catorce” (The 14th), good military leaders who unfortunately were treacherously killed, the first one due to being opposed to negotiations with the government, the second one due to being sentenced and executed by the orders of a priest. So much potential and will were wasted.

General Saturnino Cedillo was overjoyed about the cristeros killing their own caudillo. El Catorce, because with his death they killed their own movement. When you contradict the interests of the priests, they will not hesitate to betray and execute you.

The national project of president Calles was heading to create a social republic, this is why he was supported among others by none other than the caudillo Felipe Carrillo Puerto from Yucatan who fought against his local oligarchs, for a social republic and the sovereignty of the Maya people. Also by Tomas Garrido Canabal, the caudillo of Tabasco, who created his own paramilitary group the Red Shirts in order to defend the ideals of the revolution and against clericalism.

This social republic project took the figure of Quetzalcoatl as a symbol for the National Ideal, it is known the attempt made by the republic in trying to replace the figure of Santa Claus during Christmas time with that of the Feathered Serpent.

The Logos of Quetzalcoatl is the unifier of the different peoples from Mexico, under the government of Calles & his allies, this logos was re-emerging as an identity, that’s why the Vatican mobilized its militias, in order to assassinate that identity before it would be born.

The Catholic Church is an anti-national organization that only works for the political interests of that parasite nesting in Rome called The Vatican. When a government goes against their interests then they will move their armies and call for a crusade against such a government, as it was the case for Argentina in 1953.

They have been doing this for many centuries, in the Middle Ages the Germanic nobility were their military strength, a bunch of thugs who sacked villages, raped and overthrew kings which would be accused of heresy.

The Cristeros War was another episode of this subversion against national sovereignty on behalf of the Church.

The illiterate peasants but devoted Guadalupans*, murdered rural teachers who were not teaching religion, they raped and sacked villages which had socialist representation, all with the blessing of the Pope and his priests from abroad in Rome.

How much blood was lost for such futile conflict? The Cristeros War divided our people, made the Mexicans fight other Mexicans to the death in a pointless conflict encouraged by the highest ranks of the Vatican, meanwhile, they never came to Mexico for the conflict, but instead from Rome they encouraged and blessed a civil war.

This happened as well in Republican Spain, the Church blessed their shitty caudillo Franco to rise, revolt and overthrow the sovereign government so the priests and bankers would not lose their privileges. We could quote Mussolini’s case in which he had the error to make agreements with the priests instead of abolishing the Vatican, at the end of the day those priests and nobles betrayed him.

The Church is a parasite for all peoples of the world, they work just like the UN’s NGOS, conspiring, trafficking kids and influence, maintaining their power, reporting to a foreign organization with no fatherland nor volk.

The cristeros were not heroes, they weren’t patriots, they were mercenaries used for interests foreign to their land. They do not deserve any recognition on behalf of us: the people.

Any true revolution must have among their top priorities to expel the priestly parasite and their sanctimonious, reactionary and holier-than-thou followers, otherwise they would kill any revolution on the inside.

The cristeros were that subversion which fought against the re-emergence of the National Ideal, leaving behind them the Sinarquistas* and other groups from the reactionary right, faithful only to the banks and the Vatican.

The awakening of the Logos of Quetzalcoatl is the re-emergence of the national identity against the priestly parasite and his desert god. It is in Quetzalcoatl that the people must unite in order to find their destiny.

The Church is contrary to the revolution and with it any agreement shouldn’t be made, it is fought against and its influence must be expelled from our peoples.

The Tempest will sweep away the priest and the banker, in order to make room for the new creole, social and eternal fatherland.


Caput Vol. XV, p. 5–6.


*Guadalupan: regarding the devotion for the Virgin of Guadalupe from Mexico.

*Sinarquismo: political ideology sometimes associated to Fascism or Third Position, but it was mostly a reactionary right-wing take on such ideologies.



Zero Schizo

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