Own blockchain of ZeroState

3 min readJul 5, 2018


ZeroState’s own blockchain is necessary for the fair distribution of resources and payment for emotions. The main goal of creating own blockchain is to make the system of states as transparent as possible and at the same time to reduce the costs of maintenance and operation of the application.

Initially, ZeroState tokens will work on the Ethereum system. Therefore, the payment for the transactions of ZSC tokens will be made in ETH. That is, separately for each emotion will be paid Commission of Ethereum network in ETH. In order to reduce the cost of maintaining the application and not to depend from the third-party resources, it was decided to create own blockchain. This will provide greater reliability to the application, make it the most independent, transparent and truthful.

The ZeroState application will use its own blockchain. ZeroState blockchain is a software tool based on the blockchain technology, on which it is possible to make a large volume of simple transactions. In most cases, these transactions involve sending the tokens between accounts, as this happens in the blockchains of other popular cryptocurrencies.

The basic characteristics of the blockchain of ZeroState

In the ZeroState blockchain, accounts are organized hierarchically. Each account is linked to a local node, the number of nodes is limited to 10 000 000.

Blocks of transactions are created at equal intervals using the “PoS” Protocol, as a result a small fixed number of anodes make a decision about the composition of transactions included in the block. After each block is closed, a set of ZERO nodes is selected based on the maximum amount of tokens stored in the node accounts (delegated proof of bid).

ZERO nodes have full control over local nodes and accounts. Each node includes transactions signed by local accounts, combines them, and sends them to the blockchain. Nodes that represent conflicting messages (double spending) are punished. For successful completion of the tasks, ZERO-nodes will receive the award at the expiration of the period for storage ZSCoin at the node. Messages from two different nodes are processed in parallel without conflicts.

All types of transactions, except one, require passing through the local node. The only exception is the “recover funds” transaction, that is necessary in the event of rejection a transaction in the ZeroState network or a dispute.

The hierarchical organization of user accounts in the ZeroState blockchain allows to include the KYC procedure in the process of account creation, which will be necessary if receiving funds in the ZeroState application.

All transactions and messages are numbered sequentially and can be processed in parallel within the block. The numbering reduces the size of the message and therefore the network traffic. A user account can send funds to many other accounts in a single transaction. The size of the information in the block is up to 10 bytes per target transaction (specific account) and up to 20 bytes per mass (multiple payments in one account).

By creating this system, the advertiser of ZeroState will be able to send funds to several users who have sent a state in one transaction (record). This opportunity will allow the advertiser to save on the confirmation fees of transactions, and will not allow to overload the ZeroState blockchain.

The main purpose of creating own blockchain of ZeroState is to provide the process of a continuous stream of transactions at the speed of 300 thousand to 3000 thousand transactions per minute, which will be sufficient to support transactions within the ZeroState application from the advertiser to the user, as well as to support the exchange transactions.




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