Alkebulan: Mother of Mankind.

Zethembe Mkhonza
7 min readFeb 7, 2023


When other people tell their history they come across as being patriotic. When other people talk about where they came from, who they are and what their history is that’s called patriotism, but when African Americans do it or when black people do it, they are labelled as being militant, they are called rebels, they are called afro centric. That is the big difference, our history for some reason becomes offensive to people, so we must stop being afraid to tell what our true history is — Tariq Nasheed.

For decades our people have been led astray of their own culture and history, to a point where the white community succeed in brainwashing the entire Alkebulan race making them believe that their belief system is false, that they needed saving, that their forefathers have no history let alone existed before they set foot in the lands of the Alkebulan people.

I’m saying Alkebulan and not African because African/Africa, according to Tariq Nasheed (2011) is the name given to us by an European, Scipio Africanus, who conquered our region and Alkebulan is the original name of our land. However, some argue that Alkebulan is the name given to us by the Arabic community, that we had no name for the continent besides our communities.

In Kemetic History of Afrika, Dr Cheikh Anah Diop writes, “The ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. Alkebu-lan “mother of mankind” or “garden of Eden”.” Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthaginians), and Ethiopians. Africa, the current misnomer adopted by almost everyone today, was given to this continent by the ancient Greeks and Romans.”

Diop goes on to argue that the continent was also called by many other names such as the Land of Ham; ham meaning dark skins, dark/black continent, Kingdom in the sky, and the land of Kush/Kesh referring to the Kushites who were ancient Ethiopians.

some experts believe that the name came from two Phoenician words, ‘friqi’ and ‘pharika’, which translate to corn and fruit. according to this theory, the Phoenicians called Africa the land of the corn and fruit. The Phoenicians had an African mixture and a passage of time, Carthage (new town) became increasingly African. the romans called this entire area Africa. with the defeat of the Carthaginians, Scipio was given the name ‘Conquer of Africa’. therefore, Scipio Africanus does not give his name to Africa but gets his name from Africa.

other theories include the roman theory, whereby scholars believe that the word originated from romans who named it after their tribe’s name — Afri. then there’s the weather theory with some scholars believing that the name was coined from the continent's climate. other theories are the geographical theory and the Africus theory which claim that the continent derived its name from Africus, a Yemenite chieftain who invaded the northern part of the continent in the second millennium B.C. it is argued that he settled on his conquered land and named it Afrikyah.

there is little or no certainty on the source of the continent’s name. Several scholars have tried to explain the origin and the meaning of the name Africa, but none is convincingly correct.

These first sets of Africans conquered empires, moving from one region to another, adding more territories to today the Nations’ masses creating the 2nd largest continent in the world. The moors, to date, hold the topmost position as one of the strongest, richest, and educated empires the whole of history has encountered.

27 April 1994, the commemoration of the first democratic elections in South Africa. Freedom — the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. 28 years of celebrating the day of freedom, the day our people were granted the right to vote, but that’s just it, the right to vote, not the right to tell our story, our story has been told for us and still is. We are being robbed of our right to know who we are, our people are continuously being plundered and destroyed by the Europeans, they burnt and destroyed the history of our people only to tell us that the Alkebulan people has always been poor, that they are the ones who came to our rescue. The white community robbed us of our intelligence and took credit for our creatives. Is that freedom? Every year on the 27th of April they laugh at us celebrating ‘freedom’ knowing very well they have us under lock and key. That is not freedom, THIS is not freedom.

Freedom is the ability to talk about the Alkebulan history without fear of judgement, without fear of imprisonment, but do our brothers and sisters of this generation know that? Of course, they don’t because that’s not what’s being taught in schools. They teach us about their history, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Max Weber, those are not of Alkebulan descent. They teach European history in Alkebulan soil to Alkebulan people. They put emphasis on ‘the key to success is education’ pulling us towards their belief system and disconnecting us from ours. The true key to success is knowledge, According to Fezeka (April 19, 2022), when we are disconnected to our belief system, we become weak in mind body and spirit. It is in understanding our ancestors who bring us light upon our path that we become reconnected to uMdali, the true essence of divinity and existence (Fezeka Mkhabela, April 19, 2022).

Racism is a pandemic, a man-made system made to exploit, detain, starve, and plunder the Alkebulan lands and her people. It is a calculated move subjected to change the true narrative of not just the people of colour but the entire world. It is a global system for the survival of the white minority, a system made to manipulate the people of colour into thinking that the white man is the black man’s superior, the white man is rich and you black man are poor, white Jesus is the God that you should be praising, black Jesus is demonic, white man is intelligent and you black man are just a slave; a cave man, an animal, an uncivilised people.

The truth is, there is only one race in the world, and that is the human race, we are spirits/souls living in different coloured bodies, we are not our bodies. When you look at a person you don’t see the person but see a black/Indian/white/Asian person. The white community programmed us that way, hence segregation. But we can’t turn back now, the damage is already done, decades worth of damage. Now you can’t tell a person that you don’t see colour, especially a black person. That’s an insult to a black person, but the white community does not want to come into terms and accept that to a point where you’d find that they hid information that states that some Europeans are of Alkebulan descent. True studies show that the first Europeans were a group of Alkebulans called thegrimaldi who had migrated from Africa to Europe between forty and sixty thousand years ago. Due to the process of evolution many of them lost the africoit genotype and phenotypical features and then went on to look more Europeanistic (Umar Johnson, 2011). You even see in pre-racist Europe, Africans and Europeans living side by side, in fact a lot of European families have an African background that they don’t like to acknowledge (Umar Johnson, 2011). Queen Charlotte Mecklenburg — Strelitz was of African descent, King Charles was of African descent, in fact, when king Charles was growing up, he was called the ‘black boy’ because he’s skin colour was so dark. They have restaurants in Europe called the ‘black boy restaurant & lounge bar’ which refers to King Charles. So, you can see the African bloodline running through these people of royal descent (Umar Johnson, 2011).

Coming into the topic of royalty, the black man was never poor, well not until the white man made it to be. The black man never lived in a cave; he was never a cave man. Instead, the black man was a warrior, the black man was wealthy, the black man was of royalty, the black man was an architecture, the black man was intelligent and still is, we just don’t know that. We are Subjugated into believing that were never that, that we are not that. Looking at our culture and what we practise when connecting with God and our ancestors, there is a chant we say that goes ‘siyakhuleka emakhosini’ meaning we pray upon our people of royalty. That alone is evident enough that our ancestry is of royalty.

One of the most fascinating facts that the white Europeans hid from us is that during the dark ages of Europe, Alkebulan was prosperous, it was the gold capital, and a wealthy king named Mansa Musa set out on his pilgrimage to Mecca through Egypt and gave away gold that amounted to 100 million dollars in today’s terms, by doing so it threw off the Egyptian economy. Studies show that Alkebulanians all over the world had powerful dynasties, remember we had hundreds and thousands of years and that’s the secret, but they cut us off at six thousand, anything beyond that they could say is mystery or myth. If you can control the information, you can control the lie, which is what they’ve learned to do and mastered (Booker T. Coleman, 2011).

The white minority may have mastered the biggest part of colonising a people, which is imprisoning the mind, because once you imprison the mind, one easier to control. Emphasis on minority because the white man is the minority, they just want us to think that we are, because they are afraid of the power that the majority has which is the black people and hence hiding and changing the truth from its people. It’s going to take a lot to break these chains and officially freeing our people, spreading the word is only the tip of the ice burg.




Zethembe Mkhonza

writer, historian, model, traditional healer. museum coming soon.