Zethr — Looking Back at Month One

4 min readAug 28, 2018


Today marks the one-month birthday of Zethr, and the first of many posts we’ll be bringing to you via this platform. Thus far, our announcements and general communication have been mostly limited to Discord. While Discord is an effective platform for organizing and getting quick spurts of information out, we’ve found that it’s not as effective for official communication as we’d like it to be, and many people don’t wish to sign up for a new account to view our announcements. So here we are!

We’re aiming to have a new blog post out once a week, sort of in the fashion that Factorio does their blog posts. Some of these will be technical in nature, some of these won’t, and some will be in between. With that said, let’s have a look back at our first month.

Month One by the Numbers

  • The Zethr Token contract was deployed July 27, 08:45AM UTC.
  • 382,713 ZTH tokens were minted during the ICO. Of these, the bankroll owned 68,708 ZTH. Currently, there are just over 4.2 million ZTH in existence.
  • Version one of dice was deployed two days after platform launch, and had 46,471 bets and 4,115,186 ZTH wagered total. Our second (and current) version has had 42,351 bets and 3,109,633 ZTH wagered, bringing us to a total of 88,822 dice bets and a whopping 7,224,819 ZTH wagered — nearly double the amount of tokens in existence!
  • Version one of slots was deployed 15 days after platform launch, and had 12,437 bets and 252,121 ZTH wagered. Our current (multi-spin) version of slots has had 74,845 bets and 706,070 ZTH wagered total, bringing us to a total of 87,282 bets and 958,191 ZTH wagered on slots since release!
  • With only two casino games and 30 days, this brings us to a grand total of 176,104 bets and 8,181,010 ZTH wagered on the platform — equivalent to $5,235,846. I’d say that’s pretty good for our first month!
  • Our community Discord server has had a total of 220,614 messages.
    Our developer Discord server has had a total of 137,471 messages.
  • Our git repository has had a total of 1,329 commits, averaging about 8 per day since it was created back in May

Looking Ahead

Our goal as a team is to be as transparent with the community as possible. Sometimes, we can’t reveal exactly what we’re working on or give definitive timelines on releases due to the ever-evolving needs of the platform and community. With that said, here’s what we’re looking at going forward and currently working on — a tentative roadmap:

  • Bankroll version 3. This gives a much-needed improvement on gas costs for betting and codifies a universal interface that games should implement when hooking into the bankroll system. This *must* come before any new games are released due to the radical changes to the way games interface with the bankroll. We’re hoping to have this finished at some point this week. (I’m the point man on this one)
  • Game #3: Big Wheel. We’ll go more into detail how this game works in another post, but it’s very similar to the popular casino game by the same name. This is nearly done, but bankroll v3 must come first before it can release. guz and ToCsIcK have been taking point on the UI for this, with Norsefire writing the base contract.
(note: work in progress)
  • API. Useful for grabbing things such as exchange purchases and bets for displaying on the website, or even allowing other developers to build applications for! This is in active development by ToCsIcK.
  • Snapshot/reward system. We’ve talked a bit about how this will work in the past — ZTH token holders will receive 50% of all casino profits proportional to their token balance and dividend rate. This will be the major profit generator for ZTH token holders in the long-term, and we’ll address more how this works in a future blog post as well.
  • Offchain games. The technology for this is already in development by our amazing solidity developer Etherguy, and we really think this foundation is what is going to set us apart from any competition. These games will be 100% verifiably fair and provably secure. Of high priority here is one highly anticipated game: Zethcrash.
  • Advertising and marketing. Right now we’re not really doing any marketing at all; we’d like to get our platform to a more usable state for people who aren’t already in this space and know what they’re doing, flesh out the ecosystem more, and vastly improve UX and information flow to potential users of our site.
  • Other stuff that we can’t talk about just yet, but are actively working on.

That’s It, for Now

As a team, we’re aiming to be more and more communicative with the community every day — we couldn’t do this without you guys. All ten of us have been working around the clock on this project, and it’s something that we really believe in and are dedicated to.

Feel free to ask any questions or leave feedback in the comments here, or in our Discord, and let us know how we’re doing! You can also shoot us an email at admin@zethr.io.

— Klob

