The Future of Bitcoin and Solana: APOLLO Testnet Launched

Zeus Network
3 min readFeb 2, 2024


Within the ever-evolving Web3 landscape, Bitcoin’s longstanding dominance is undeniable. Yet, the assertive ascent of Solana as a formidable ally certainly commands our undivided attention. Beyond basic metrics, the narrative becomes more complex when exploring the interaction between Bitcoin, Solana, and the transformative potential of Zeus Network.

An Unstoppable Convergence of Forces

With a market capitalization of only 5% of Bitcoin’s, Solana is positioning itself as an alternative and a transformative force. Its performance metrics for Q4 2023 tell a compelling story of sustained growth. The market cap experienced an impressive 423% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) increase, signifying its growing prominence. Average daily fee payers, a crucial measure of network activity, rose by 102% QoQ to reach 190,000.

The Zeus Consensus

Enter Zeus Network is a disruptive force that promises to reshape the landscape by bringing Bitcoin liquidity to Solana. By leveraging the innovative Zeus Consensus, this network aims to seamlessly facilitate interaction between these two crypto giants. The launch of Zeus Network’s flagship project, APOLLO, is poised to initiate this groundbreaking journey.

Zeus Network is not a bridge, there’s no need for one.

Unlike traditional bridging mechanisms, Zeus Network does not involve transferring or bridging assets from one blockchain to another. Instead, it introduces a revolutionary communication layer that enables the secure locking of Bitcoin on the Bitcoin blockchain and the transfer of its value to Solana without the need for asset bridging. This unique architecture eliminates the challenges associated with traditional bridging methods, offering a secure, efficient, and decentralized solution for interacting with Bitcoin on the Solana blockchain.

APOLLO’s launch: Unleashing $BTC liquidity into Solana

Beyond a simple conversion, Apollo is a comprehensive DeFi infrastructure, leveraging zBTC and the Zeus consensus mechanism to introduce and manage BTC liquidity within the Solana ecosystem. Anchored in the trustless governance of the Zeus Consensus, Apollo’s programmatic framework, including the Two-Way Peg program, Liquidity Management Program, and Revenue Management Program, strategically contributes to its overall functionality and success.

The use case of APOLLO

With the potential of Apollo being limitless, it becomes a vital catalyst in facilitating frictionless asset and information movement across diverse blockchain networks by unleashing BTC liquidity onto the Solana ecosystem.


Imagine securely depositing BTC into Solend, Marginfi, or Kamino without permission, facilitated by APOLLO on the Zeus Consensus — ensuring secure and frictionless Bitcoin transactions.

APOLLO Testnet Timeline

  • 1/30 ~ 2/7 Testnet Launched for Internal Team Testing
  • 2/8 ~ 2/15 Alpha Testing (Invite only)
  • Public Testing: To be announced



Zeus Network

A cutting-edge, permissionless communication layer connecting Solana and Bitcoin. ⛈️