Emulator V.S. Simulator with Examples

Zeyad Asem M
4 min readJul 7, 2024

Both emulators and simulators serve the same purpose but in different methods. an emulator, it tries to mimic the full hardware (CPU, memory, and other hardware components) and mimic the exact performance of the target such that it is possible to replace the target device. on the other hand, the simulator tries to mimic the functionality and characteristics of the target system at a higher level.

in the context of language, the definition of emulator and simulator may give more intuition:

emulate: to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass

simulate: to give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive

the definitions summarize the difference between them; one tries to be exact, and the other (simulator) tries to deceive.


the main advantage of the emulator is it can replace the target, such that it mimics all of its components.

Purpose: to replace the real device.

Main Features:

  • reproduction of the target environment with great accuracy, including both software and hardware characteristics (high Fidelity).
  • Run the same binary code intended for the target device without modification by translating the binary code on the host to its equivalent code on the target (Binary translation).
  • It is ideal for testing low-level functionality, hardware-specific features, and performance.


  • High accuracy and fidelity to the target device.
  • Useful for debugging hardware-related issues.
  • Can run a wide range of applications, including those that interact closely with the hardware.


  • Can be resource-intensive and slower than running on actual hardware.
  • Sometimes challenging to set up and configure.

When to use:

when you need to test your application against the hardware, or the application requires hardware access, for example, mobile applications that require GPS or Camera, or Embedded Board that requires access hardware via kernel and device drivers.

Use Cases:

  • Mobile app development (e.g., Android emulators).
  • Embedded systems development.


  • android emulator: emulates an Android real device with its sensors and hardware.
  • wineHQ: Run Windows on a Linux machine


a simulator simulates the software environment, such as variables and configuration, without interacting with the hardware; hence, binary translation is unnecessary. so that it is faster than the emulators.

Purpose: For analysis and study

Main features:

  • Provide a high-level representation of the target environment.
  • Typically, it requires code modification or recompilation to run in the simulated environment.
  • Ideal for testing software logic, user interfaces, and general application behavior.


  • Faster and less resource-intensive than emulators since no need for binary translation.
  • Easier to set up and use.
  • Good for rapid testing and development cycles.


  • Lower accuracy compared to emulators.
  • Cannot test hardware-specific features or performance accurately.
  • Limited in running applications that require deep hardware integration.

When to use:

when you need to test your application against other applications, for example, two applications send data to each other, no need for the overhead of hardware emulation for this case, also on testing user interface such as screen resolution, or when you are not sure about which hardware is the best for your application and you want to test it in the best environment.

Use Cases:

  • Mobile app development (e.g., IOS simulators).
  • Educational purposes for learning system behavior.
  • Flight Simulator, no need to mimic the hardware of the aircraft.


  • flight simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator is the next generation of one of the most beloved simulation franchises.
  • MATLAB: used for designing, modeling, and simulating systems and their behaviors in an environment
  • proteus software: The Proteus Design Suite combines ease of use with a powerful feature set to enable the rapid design, testing, and layout of professional printed circuit boards.

we will have a case study on one of the most popular emulators in embedded Linux, Qemu.

Is Qemu an emulator?

if its name doesn’t answer this question (Quick emulator), then this section will answer it.

Main Features:

  • The main feature of an emulator is to mimic hardware, Qemu is developed for this purpose and to enable virtualization.
  • Qemu Can emulate various CPU architectures, making it highly versatile for cross-platform tasks.
  • QEMU can emulate an entire system, including the CPU, memory, peripherals, and other hardware components. This allows you to run software for one architecture on a completely different architecture (e.g., running ARM software on an x86 machine).

these selected features show that Qemu mimics the hardware of the target, hence it is an emulator.


This article was written in the context of Embedded Linux for readers familiar with this field. Special thanks to those who provided insights from a different context.



This article is from my Embedded Linux tutorial. You can check it out on GitHub at https://github.com/ziadasem/Customize-Linux-Image.





Zeyad Asem M

Computer engineer, Embedded Linux developer, and Flutter developer who is eager to learn and demonstrates different technologies