Snake Island: The Most Dangerous Island on the Planet

Edi Dumitru
5 min readJan 10, 2024

The Earth is covered with many dangerous places, but there is no location on Earth that will kill you faster than this small island off the coast of Brazil called Ilha da Queimada Grande, also known as Snake Island.

The danger is quite evident; Snake Island is full of snakes, and the Brazilian government has deemed this place illegal for anyone to visit without strict authorization. This is due to the snakes on the island being endangered but also highly venomous.

So, any fool who visits this place has the potential to eradicate the species or die within minutes after stepping foot there. The only people allowed are Brazilian Marine troops and carefully selected scientists approved by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment.

Given that, what would happen if you were mysteriously teleported to this island? How could you survive, and what would your experience be like?



Edi Dumitru

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