hi hello (intro)

zha ep
2 min readOct 5, 2015


ok ye so i guess im doing this now

literally me rn

plan is 2 use this as an outlet for

  • longer form thoughts n shit that i need to exorcise from my mynd
  • inchoate analyses & aggregations
  • apophenia , pareidolia & various other biases , cognitive defects & behavioral disorders
  • prob cross-post / re-post detritus from various other Social Media Properties cuz im striving for truly cross-platform neglect / irrelevance in my life

in most cases on most subjects i try 2 bear in mind wittgenstein’s fly-bottle , & keep the buzzing to a minimum

but here i’ll be buzzing on at length

tw: this is a grammar-free zone

deal w it

( do i get a tech job now )

