Zhang Zimo
4 min readJan 31, 2024

Resolving Abandonment of Shopping Carts

Shopping Cart Challenges :

Incomplete Item Information

For users, some of the information about products on app’s shopping page is adequate. Nowadays, living in an exposed information generation, users can obtain a wealth of information from multiple dimensions through images, short videos, and multiple media. So, it is insufficient to present information solely about the product itself in the usual manner. Take the Ultra app that sells beauty products as an example. When looking for a foundation, users only know the product’s colors, losing information about how the color would fit on their skin in different light sources. Therefore, users may exit the purchasing page and look up more information on the item on other social media platforms. After that, they might find themselves enjoying seamless amusing short videos rather than searching for information on the item they had added to cart.

Reviews that lack key information

Let’s say that if users are satisfied with the product after getting the product’s information, they may face other troubles that produce shopping cart challenges. Users may become lost in hundreds of reviews if they have the willingness to read the least part of the information about the items. Today, in this fast-paced world of ours, individuals want to know the product’s key details as soon as possible. It is unrealistic for users to determine the worth of a product by looking at all the reviews. As a result, users may not be convinced completely by review due to the lack of extracting key information on the items. Even after adding the item to cart, users will abandon it if they are unsure about whether it is worthwhile to buy.

Less Friendly Experience

Users may find that in-store buying offers a better experience than online shopping in certain quality categories, such as cars, and cosmetic goods. Nevertheless, users may receive fewer sample gifts than shopping in physical store, which may disappoint them. That flaw may stop users from clicking the “SECURE CHECKOUT” button.

Proposed Solution:

Enough Item Information

To avoid shopping cart abandon, part of the information about the item should be linked to users themselves.

At first, on the product page, it should explain how the product works in the user’s life, telling user the reason that they need to buy. Assume that a user was interested in a foundation item, while he/she was browsing the shopping page in Ultra app. The fact that the foundation’s color looks at the skin tone similar to users’ own may have drawn their attention, which provides users with a seamless experience where they can stay on the page without leaving.

Secondly, product teams can collaborate with social media influencers to shoot videos about their experience using the product, providing users with a seamless experience that allows them to stay on the app without ever leaving.

Following the two steps, the detailed information on each item can be presented thoroughly. Therefore, users get sufficient details and convincing reasons before buying items that interest them.

Add Key Information Extracted from Reviews

It is highly recommended to do the following steps, which enable users to acquire key information from reviews and save a great deal of time.

Firstly, generate some keywords about the item’s function above the review text. By looking at such keywords in the interface, for example, users can decide whether or not to buy the item. In this way, users can obtain valuable usage experience quickly.

Secondly, the pertinent review text should be displayed when users click on each score level. In this way, users are able to access relevant reviews for each score.

Following the two steps, users can avoid having a negative user experience by adding products they don’t want by reading review texts with low scores, and they can rapidly determine why they need to buy the item based on keywords extracted from the review.

More Friendly Experience

I believe that is a good idea for app product team to show the image of a sample gift that users will get next to certain items. As a result, there won’t be a psychological gap among users. Users who shop online don’t feel unfair that they may not receive a sample gift. In this way, they may make a determination to buy items via clicking the purchasing button.


Add Enough Item Information:

1 Add different light sources button

provider more information that can relate to users.

2 Add influencers review

provide other influencers’ usage experience

Add Key Information Extracted from Reviews:

Add keyword generated from reviews
Add function that can display related review when user clicks different score

More Friendly Experience:

display images of gift that user will receive