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Understanding The Deeper Stories Of Women Execs In Tech (originally published on

Yao Zhang
2 min readDec 25, 2017

On 2013 Nov 17th, my 30th birthday, I knew clearly that in order to truly live a life that I have been preparing for — to impact the world in my way because I have to work on things that I care so much — I have to start my 2nd company to do it, and that is the background story of RoboTerra Inc.’s birth. Being 34 this winter, a World Innovation Fellow and speaker on Happiness and Technology, Amy Blankson, whom I met at the UNCTAD Annual Innovation Summit in NYC, did an in depth interview with me about the 4 years of being RoboTerra’s CEO. I started sharing my story like this, “each year when it was holiday break in the US I would go to China to work with team there, and when it is China holidays I would come back to Silicon Valley to crank with team here”. Last year, it was even more extreme that I slept in the office through Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and the New Year’s day because we were about to have a new product launch. A direct result of this “beyond-normal” work/life style backfired a bit, and you can read in details in Amy’s article.

Today is 2017’s Christmas Eve, and my first real holiday break in these recent 4 years that I am not working, but spending time to reflect, share and give care and pass love forward. But here I wanted to share this article with all to thank you for being my reader this year. I plan to write and share more regularly on a weekly basis here on subjects about: #AI&Robots, #Data, #SpaceTech, #HumanCentric, and #BeingBold. I wish all a wonderful holiday time with family and friends. After all, building a company or changing the world, is never over-night and the strongest fuel to support us go long and far is love that is recharged from these moments of giving and sharing.

Here is the article by Amy Blankson published on



Yao Zhang

Founder & CEO, RoboTerra Inc.; World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, Class 2016; Columbia alum, Silicon Valley/New York/Shenzhen