My Top Podcast

Zharfan Akbar
4 min readMay 16, 2022


I enjoy podcast since I was in university, I listen to it when I cleaning my room, washing dishes, commuting, running etc. For me, podcasts is one of the way to keep me productive. I can still think and learn new stuff when doing a low-focused activity. For the past years, my podcasts list is changing a lot. In my university time, I like self improvement podcasts such as Thirty Days of Lunch. But recently, my list is leaning towards engineering and technology podcasts. Here are few podcasts that I listen:

  1. Tech Lead Journal

I often listen to this podcast when I run in the morning and because of this habits, every time I listen to this podcast intro music, I feel it’s still in the morning and I was just starting to run haha. The podcast host is Henry Suryawirawan, he is very energetic and have a lot of good questions to his guest (he do his research, obviously!). He always trying to get as much as insight from the guest that a lot of people can relate to (myself included).

One of my favorite episode is episode #83 Effective Remote Work — James Stanier, they discuss about tips and trick about effective remote work. It very relate to me as I also work from my home. One of the practical tips from that episode is to always document everything in dedicated space and not only stop in personal chat.

The best thing about this podcast is also the fact that they have dedicated website that contains podcasts summary, transcript, etc.

2. Ngobrolin Startup & Teknologi

This is podcast that I also listen, the topic is ranging from web3, Indonesia startup culture, how to nail your tech interview, current technology in software, etc. There are a lot of insight that i can get. The host is Imre Nagi. The question from him is interesting and sometimes also make you think. He also very straightforward when ask to his guest. The majority of his guest is professionals and founders in startup space. They talk about their failure and successes, lesson they learned and everything. I really enjoyed his last episode about being skeptical on this whole web3 and bitcoin ecosystem.

3. Thirty Days of lunch

This is the podcasts that make me start to listen other podcasts haha. The topic is ranging from productivity, business, self development, etc. The host is Fellexandro Ruby and Ario Pratomo. They invite a lot of interesting guest start from Najwa Shihab, Achmad Zaky, etc. The podcast is fun, just like when we join into the conversation. One of my favorite episode is Launch #36 with Ernest Prakasa, my key take away from this podcast is future is unpredictable, just do your best.

4. Asumsi Bersuara

When I don’t have much time to watch or read news. I listen to this podcast, so I can relate to what happen in the world. Of course for the topic that I interest in. The topic is mainly about politics. The guest is an expert on the topic, so the discussion will go depth on one particular topic. For example, when I want to know about Indonesia new capital city issues, they invite Pak Faisal Basri so the discussion is very depth. And of course, I really like Rayestu as the host, I think he always do deep research before interviewing the guest.

5. Makna Talks

Makna Talks is help me to being friendly to people haha. Seriously, when you listen to this podcast, you will know how to do conversation with people. The host is Ilyas Lawrence, he is a fun guy who can make everyone he knew recently to be his best friends. My favorite episode is #Pod.175 Daniel Mananta, they talks about having a faith to god, commitment to work, and never give up.

6. Hiduplah Indonesia Maya

Who is my favourite stand up comedian? No other than Mr.Worldwide a.k.a Pandji Pragiwaksono. In this podcast he share his prespective about the current affairs that goes viral in social media. He published his episode once in 2 days, so it very up to date with stuff happening in the world.

7. Endgame with Gita Wirjawan

I really love this podcast. Pak Gita Wirjawan talks with a lot of inspiring individuals from scientists, startup founders, leaders, politician, etc. The discussion is rich with though provoking questions that make you think. One of the question is the title of the podcast itself. “What is your endgame?”. One of my favorite episode that I recommend you guys to listen is the one with Sabda PS. They talk about education in Indonesia and how to improve it, having healthy skepticism, and make an intellectual standard.

Thats it, my top podcasts list. I also read books. I will definitely list my books. Maybe for next article? okay. Thanks for your reading.

Other podcasts that I also listen once or twice:

  • Level Up Engineering
  • Ask an Engineering Manager
  • Podcast Raditya Dika



Zharfan Akbar

Senior Mobile Engineer at Fazz, Ex-Lead Mobile Engineer at Deall Jobs (YC W22), Fun Runner, Learner