Redesign the shopping cart experience for any e-commerce website

2 min readJan 30, 2024


After reviewing the materials, it’s clear that common challenges in the shopping cart experience include cart abandonment, complicated checkout processes, lack of trust and security, poor mobile optimization, and limited payment options. Customers often abandon carts due to unexpected costs, lengthy forms, or technical issues, while concerns about data security can deter them from completing purchases.

To address these challenges, I propose a strategy focused on streamlining the checkout process, enhancing trust and security, optimizing for mobile devices, and expanding payment options. This involves simplifying forms, providing clear pricing information upfront, implementing trust signals such as security badges, optimizing the cart for mobile responsiveness, and offering various payment methods to cater to diverse customer preferences.

For the redesign, I’ll create a wireframe sketch of the shopping cart page incorporating the proposed changes. This will include a clean and intuitive layout, prominently displaying product details, pricing, and a clear call-to-action for checkout.

This design sketch references two of China’s largest e-commerce platforms, Jingdong and Taobao. As an international student, I’ve used e-commerce platforms from various countries, and I still think that Chinese e-commerce shopping carts are designed to be very reasonable and easy to operate, with quick order placement, and clear product information, discounts, and shipping addresses.

Trust badges and security assurances will be visible to reassure customers, while the mobile version will be optimized for easy navigation and input on smaller screens. Multiple payment options will be presented, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and digital wallets.

