Segovia in Spain

Sophie Zhuang
2 min readAug 21, 2022


The ancient city of Segovia, northwest of Madrid, is famous for the 2,000-year-old Roman aqueduct, which is still in use today. Along with the ancient city center, the waterway is listed as a World Heritage Site. On that Sunday, which was the Holy Sabbath before Easter, the main church in the center of the city had a special service. The archbishop led the procession, followed by the clergy and surrounded by churchmen carrying the branches, and marched slowly to the main prayer room. Local people including children were dressed up for the mass, and the atmosphere was particularly solemn. After the mass, the whole town became a sea of joy, and tourists couldn’t wait to visit the ancient castle at the end of the town. It is said that the castle was the prototype of the Snow White Castle in Disney. The design of the spire mimicked the shape of Eastern European architecture, adding fairy tale colors and exotic details. No one thought that the castle’s cartoonish appearance covered up its actual function — the world’s first artillery training school was born here. After climbing into the castle to overlook the snow-capped mountains, people gathered at restaurants in the center of the city to feast on the famous local roast suckling pigs.

