Building ShuttleOne Series 2: Standing Firm in Mission Critical Financial Services

Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2020

In just 100 days, the world as we know it has changed. For many, daily routine has been severely disrupted. While the majority of the world awaits for a cure, for some, there is no wait. It is a matter of life and death.

ShuttleOne has been building efficient value transfer mechanisms, alternative financial networks and financial tools in the digital space. Over the past year in building, it has become an unofficial ethos of our engineering team to Automate Everything Finance.

Blockchain & Digital Assets in the Fight Against COVID19

The blockchain industry especially digital assets always had a lot of criticisms. We faced many external negatives and not to mention the infighting typical of early stage industries. Nay-sayers, unbelievers, politics — you name it. However one of the biggest narrative we always get questioned is — how does this apply to the real world?

This time, the blockchain industry comes together. ShuttleOne together with our friends and partners deploys crucial technologies to support the very industries and the veins of global logistics to get value and supplies to the fight against COVID19.

Crypto Comes Together

Supporting South East Asia’s #1 Grocery Platform

HappyFresh is the leading e-grocery platform in South East Asia.

Headquartered in Singapore and operating in 3 key capital markets in Bangkok, Malaysia and Indonesia, HappyFresh saw their riders and shoppers operating at almost full capacity as South East Asia undergoes partial or total lockdowns.

We need heroes to help shop and deliver groceries. This job has never been an easy one but giving the current situation, it is indeed a challenging mission to take on.

Our shoppers and drivers have been working around the clock serving our communities and to ensure you can #stayathome while we #shopforyou. — Guillem Segarra (CEO, HappyFresh)

HappyFresh was able to utilize financial instruments via Tinlake and allowed them to be nimble in capital deployment by keeping digital assets in the ShuttleOne wallet allowing them to decide which markets they are serving needs efficient and fast capital injection through the ShuttleOne Network.

Blockchain Transactions on a Withdrawal to Local Currencies

Transforming Traditional Businesses

Chow Feng International, typically a timber manufacturer caught by the Movement Control Order (Malaysia’s version of a lockdown) was hard pressed to figure how would their factories function during these very strange times.

Transaction Details Blanked Out for Privacy

Similar to HappyFresh, Chow Feng’s management obtained a loan via Tinlake and disbursed payments to masks manufacturing companies to secure much needed supplies of equipment during this intense period within the ShuttleOne network.

All under 1 hour, with compliant and risk assessed loan disbursement.

Donation & Disaster Relief

Proponents of digital assets and the blockchain industry has been touting for an open and transparent “alternate” financial system. At ShuttleOne, it is not our philosophy to disrupt but to compliment. We only want effective, compliant value transfers to take place ensuring efficient capital allocation.

With the MakerDao Foundation’s value stablecoin, Dai, we are able to facilitate remittances for Donation & Disaster Relief.

A Donation in Dai to the Philippines

In these times of crisis, the network effects of the blockchain industry comes together in bringing much needed value into the frontlines.

ShuttleOne’s CTO Samret W. supported his local efforts in Thailand masks donation in February 2020 in collaboration with a mask manufacturer.

Supporting Crucial Supply Chains

In an earlier post “From Blockchain to the Supermarkets”, Tinlake and MakerDao sprints in support of the frontlines by supporting the delivery of 200,000 face masks from China to Panama through open and transparent financial systems through trade financing. ShuttleOne is proud to be counted amongst these wizards of the blockchain with a heart in these times of crisis.

Standing Firm in Mission Critical Financial Services

Blockchain cannot do this alone.

We stand stronger in the digital services we create by facilitating markets globally together. Blockchain and Digital Assets heralds a new era where, South East Asia becomes the deployment of crucial technologies of Maker’s protocol in DeFi, Tinlake’s asset-backed lending protocol and ShuttleOne’s fintech blockchain in rapid value transmission.

Crypto comes out fighting. Our network never sleeps. Because the fight against COVID19, the desire to flatten the curve, and seeing the light and the end of the tunnel never diminishes.

Let us know what you think?

Twitter: @shuttle_one

