France’s Health Care System

Mini Schnauzer
5 min readSep 30, 2018

France’s Heath Care System

Almost every country in the world has health care. Each healthcare system functions differently in each country. There are countries that have universal health care which is a health care system that provides healthcare and financial protection to more than 90% of the citizens of a country. Majority of the European countries have universal health care and if benefits a lot of citizens and they also have free health care which is a publicly funded health care system that provides primary services free of charge or a nominal fee to all its citizens. No matter what income the citizens have, they will always have the free health care. According to World Health Organization, France has been ranked the first country to have the top health care system in the world.

How France health care system works

The French social security system pays part of the France health care system and they do that by deducted the salary to the citizens that work. The health care is also funded by the government and the taxes that the citizens pay. According to Expatica, in 2016, replace their health care system into an improved one and says that free healthcare is guaranteed for everyone, even if you are foreigner, if you live in France for more than three months or that you work in France. They offer preventative care for everyone, including free full medical checkups every two years, making it easier for people to maintain better health and require less medical attention in the long term. They also allow the people to choose whichever doctor they want, and they also can go to a specialist without a doctor’s referral unlike most health care systems. Even if you are a citizen in France and that is not employed you still get free health care like the rest of the citizens.

Pharmacies and Medicine in France

Finding a pharmacy is very easy to locate in France. According to Expatica, there are over 20,000 pharmacies in France, doubling the number than United Kingdom. If a doctor prescribes you a medicine, you would have a pay a little part of the medicine and the French health care will cover the rest of the cost. According to Expatica, France has a “pill-popping” reputation since French doctors prescribed many medicines to the patients especially psychiatric disorders.

Visiting the doctor/specialist in France

The benefits of France having free health care is that they get to visit the doctor and not worry about the cost. Most of these doctors are self-employed and they either work alone or in a group practice. To be able to have full coverage with the doctor that you are visiting, you need to list that doctor as your primary doctor, so the French health care can cover the costs. According to Expatica, if you are under 26, then you can visit a psychiatrist without needing a referral from your primary doctor. To visit a specialist, you do not need a referral however since specialists cost a little more than a primary doctor, your primary doctor would need to refer you to that specialist, so the French health care can pay the specialist in full price. You would also to be able to visit the dentist and they almost all work within the French health care system. You can see different dentist without getting penalize from the system and the costs are the same as the doctor visits they are not different whatsoever. The only thing that will not be covered by the French health care system are orthodontics, so the people would have to pay for it.

French Hospitals

There are two types of hospitals in France. There is a state-run hospital and a private-run hospital. A state-run hospital is a hospital that is functioned and owned by the government while a private-run hospital is a hospital that is functioned and owned by a nonprofit organization and is privately funded through payment for medical services by patient themselves. The costs of the emergency room are covered fully by the French health care system. The French health care can cover costs no matter what type of hospital it is in France, however, your doctor whether specialist or not will refer you to the type of hospital of your best convenience.

Medical exams in France

France’s health care system allows free different types of medical examinations. These examinations are modified by each person’s age, gender, work, and social risks factors, and environment. These medical exams are performed every two years and it is completely covered by the health care system.


The health care system is coordinated centrally by the Ministry of Health, and they oversee the hospitals, doctors, medical services, clinics, pharmacies, other health care providers, ambulance companies, etc. The transfer of funds through the system between patients and health care providers is ensured by the National Health Service.

France is at the top for health care

The World Health Organization ranked that France provided “the best overall healthcare” in the world in the 2000 global report, with health outcomes ranked among the best in the European Union. The high quality of French healthcare and environmental factors have led to one of the highest life expectancies at birth in the world. The life expectancies are continuing to increase over the years. The healthcare system has been ranked the top for world’s best retirees for being inexpensive.

