Android in Kotlin -Part 1.0: Configuring project (Android Studio + Kotlin)

Zia khalid
3 min readMay 3, 2017

Part 1.0: Configuring project (Android Studio + Kotlin)

In this Part we will configure an Android Studio project to use Kotlin and left everything prepared for the next story to start developing the Android App from the beginning and learning some core concepts.

Creating Android Project

We are going to start from scratch, launch Android Studio and
Hit Start a new Android Studio project

Choose Application name and Company domain of your choice > Next

Application name is the name of you App

Company domain is your package name, Your package name is just a unique identifier for your application in the Google Play Store. It can be anything you want as long as it is unique.

Choose Minimum SDK of your choice > Next

Choose Empty Activity > Next

Keeping Activity Name and Layout Name as default >Finish

This should create your basic project. let’s install the required Plugin for Kotlin.

Android Studio Pref > Plugins > Browse Repositories > search for “Kotlin”
install and restart Android Studio

Our already created looks something like this

Now we gonna change to kotlin file .

code > convert java file to kotlin file

Here is your MainActivity.kt

Now its time to configure kotlin in your project.
open Find Action(command+shift+A) and start searching “Convert Java to…” > choose All module as an option.

This will update your build.gradle at app level

apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:$kotlin_ver"

and will add classpath to build.gradle at project level

classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_ver"


Here you have all the code that we developed


uff… thats it …Hit Run :)

If you find something to improve please let me know, I will try my best to improve this story.

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