Invox Finance — Solving Cash Problems With Low Interest Rates

ziez waeng
3 min readApr 28, 2018


The traditional invoice financing model does not create a direct
relationship between the person funding an invoice and the person
paying that invoice. Our proposal is to create a decentralised
platform which will connect all parties, distribute information and
execute the terms and conditions of each transaction with greater
visibility and confidence of all involved.

Who is Invox Finance?

Invox Finance is a blockchain based platform with a very high transaction security level, as well as transparent transactions. In this case, Invox Finance creates a decentralized cross border collection lending platform that allows sellers, buyers, investors, and other service providers to directly connect, interact, share and distribute information. This platform will completely eliminate the need for investor involvement by linking businesses that want to accelerate their cash flow through the sale of their invoices, directly with investors who want to finance these invoices

How Traditional Invoice Financing Works

  • First Transaction
    Invoice financing is based on the financier purchasing
    invoices from the seller. Once the financier approves a seller for an invoice finance facility, the financier will agree to advance monies to the
    seller against each invoice. When the seller issues the invoices to a buyer, the seller will request funding from the financier against these invoices (usually up to 80% of the face value of each issued invoice). The financier will then advance the agreed amount to the seller. The financier will be relying on the invoices to be paid directly to them by the buyer in due course, in order to have their invoice finance loan repaid.
  • Second Transaction
    When the financier receives a full payment for a funded invoice from the buyer, it will return the balance of the invoice value to the seller less its fee. Usually this is 20% less any fees or interest

The Invox Finance Platform will comprise of the following:
  • The Blockchain or Distributed Ledger
    (Ethereum Network)
  • Dynamic Invoice Smart Contracts
  • Loans Smart Contracts
  • User Access and Processing Hub

Invox Tokens

In conjunction with the Invox Finance Platform, an Invox Token will be
created on the Ethereum Network. Invox tokens will utilise the ERC-20 token standard and will have the following utility:

  • Provide Access
    The Invox Tokens will provide sellers with access to the Invox Finance Platform. Through the Trusted Member Program each seller will be required to hold a certain amount of Invox Tokens to gain access to higher levels of invoice financing
  • Reward Work Performed
    The system will reward buyers and sellers with Invox Tokens for the verification and payment of invoices.

Token Allocation & Sales Structure

  • Token Type: Utility token
  • Token Ticker: INVOX
  • Emission Rate: No new coins will ever be created after the ICO.
  • Token Network: Ethereum (ERC20)
  • Distribution: Tokens will be distributed 14 days after the token sale ends.
  • Token Value: 1 ETH = 10,000 INVOX + any bonuses.


Track every giant leap.
Q3 2017
Idea formulated

Q4 2017
Incorporated as Invox Finance Pty Ltd

Q1 2018
Proof of concept code and testing

Q1 2018

Q1 2018
V1 of the whitepaper

Q1 2018
V1 of the website

Q1 2018
Presale began

Q1 2018
Presale sold out

Q2 2018
V2 of the whitepaper

Q2 2018
V2 of the website

Q2 2018
Complete ICO

Q2 2018
Distribute Invox Tokens

Q2 2018
Mockup complete for buyer, seller and investors journeys

Q3 2018
First invoice issued on alpha platform

Q4 2018
Initial user testing on beta platform

Q1 2019
Invox Finance debit cards become available

Q2 2019
Mobile application testing

Q2 2019
Integration with Celsius

Q2 2019
Launch into second region

Q3 2019
Mobile application release

Q4 2019
Launch into third region

For more information, please contact link:

Situs web:






Author : goLDpro;u=1623692

