Try to make good habits by doing it every day: even if doing it for only 1 minute.

Muhamad Alzika
5 min readApr 21, 2024


Benefits when you have good habits.

Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

Recently, I used to write every day. About what was felt today, what was done today, and possible experiences will be told. I started it 3 months ago. And here I want to tell you my experience and journey of making this writing habit, from the beginning until now.

The reason I started writing was so that I would be more productive.
Previously I had already made a new habit. The habits I make include waking up early, exercising, taking a shower in the morning, and going to bed early. But I don’t think this is enough because, there is still a lot of free time wasted. Until finally, I decided to fill a little free time to try writing. I was motivated to be productive after reading his winning book, Atomic Habits. And I finally did it exactly three months ago. After waking up in the morning and meditating, I rushed to open the laptop and turn it on (I wrote it on medium).

However, when I wanted to write I felt confused. How do I get started? What is usually written at the beginning of the paragraph? Until the end, the activity was not carried out. Continued to the next day and even then it remained the same, still confused what I wanted to write, even though in my mind imagined what to write but, I was still confused about what a good word to start with. After looking around for a solution to fix this, I finally found a solution. Actually, this is not a solution but, a motivational word that makes my mind open “Just Do It”. This slogan from Nike made me open mind. As it turns out, all I need right now is just do it first, don’t care about the mistakes made, what I need right now is just focus on doing it. Finally, I started writing articles for the first time. After I tried to force myself to write articles too long and a lot, a new problem arose. Usually people call it “Burnout”. Yes, I feel tired and bored to write articles every day which can be done for hours. I experienced it for up to 2 weeks, I stopped writing for a while. After that incident I realized, that my body is not a robot, and this body of mine needs rest, it cannot be forced to be forced only torture itself. I think the term “burnout” is actually just fatigue, and usually it is felt by people who work very hard. The solution to overcome this is rest. After 2 weeks of rest, I began to evaluate how to manage the time to be more organized. Finally, I decided to write for under 1 hour. Then, I routinely do it until now. Including sports, and others I still do today, that’s because they have become my habit. There are several benefits that I get from making new and productive habits, including:

  1. Live more regularly.

By having habits or routines that we already have, we no longer care what will be done when we wake up from sleep. Because everything that will be done tomorrow or later in the morning, is well scheduled in mind.

2. Challenged.

When you are used to doing something that is difficult for ordinary people to do but thinks it feels ordinary, then you will look for something more difficult. In the world of fitness this is called “Progressive overload”. Where the load that is usually lifted already feels light, then the load must be added or replaced with a heavier one so that the muscles are more developed. This also applies to all, if you usually study 1 hour per day, you can increase it to 2 hours per day. Therefore, having good habits will make yourself develop little by little even though you can’t feel the change quickly, but believe me the change will be felt by people who no longer meet.

3. Not too focused on goals.

At first glance it sounds strange, because everyone must have a goal. How can we succeed if we are not focused on the goal? Maybe some people when reading this passage will think like this. But, I will ask them back if anyone asks like that. How can you succeed if you just think about it without taking action? What I mean by not being too focused on the goal is to just do it little by little and focus more on the process. Because if we are too focused on goals, when we experience failure, there will be anxiety and worry whether I can succeed or not with my goals? And it is your own mind that will destroy you and fail to achieve your goals because you feel useless and a failure. So, by focusing on the process you will not feel failure, because when we focus on the process, then when we fail to do something, we will evaluate ourselves and look for what mistakes we make and do better the next day or at another time. And by focusing on the process, inevitably you will do it every day and gradually it will become a habit, When good habits have been owned, then success is in sight.

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

So, those are some of the benefits that I get and share a little bit of the story that I am currently living and the habits that I have made. What I want to convey for this article is that if you have a desire or goal, just do it first little by little. Even if it is done for only 1 minute if you do it regularly, believe in me, you will succeed. That’s all from me thank you.



Muhamad Alzika

I like sport, coding, write, and education. I will write and share about it.