“Meditation: A step towards inner peace”

6 min readOct 17, 2023


Meditation is a wonderful way to improve the quality of your life and improve your mental health. It can improve your focus, energy, concentration, and overall sense of wellbeing. In this article, we’ll explore how meditation can help you achieve a more balanced and peaceful state of mind.


  1. What is meditation
  2. How does meditation work?
  3. The benefits of meditation
  4. The Importance of Setting Aside Time for Meditation Practice
  5. Four ways to practice meditation
  6. Best Places to Find Free Resources on Popular Apps & Websites

1. What Is Meditation?

Meditation is an ancient practice that involves focusing your attention on a specific object or thought, without judgment or distraction. The goal is to experience a state of inner peace and tranquility. There are many different styles of meditation and each technique requires a unique approach. Some people prefer guided meditations, which require the use of tools such as sound tracks or visual aids to guide their minds. Other people may prefer quiet reflection practices such as yoga or tai chi, which involve more introspection and mindfulness, rather than the active involvement of a teacher.

In general, however, meditation offers numerous health benefits: improved sleep, reduced anxiety, lowered blood pressure, increased feelings of compassion and kindness towards others, and higher self-awareness and control.

2. How Does Meditation Work?

Meditation works by bringing our minds back to the present moment, allowing us to witness our thoughts without judgement or distractions. By using different techniques and strategies, from simple breathing exercises to mindfulness meditation, we can learn how to connect with our own thoughts and emotions through intention and awareness.

One common method used to bring our minds back is visualization. Visualization involves imagining yourself experiencing a certain situation, such as falling asleep at night or seeing a dream come true. As a result, you become aware of what it feels like to experience that state of being and gain insight into how to change your experience for better results. Another effective technique is hypnosis, which involves manipulating the brain with positive thinking and imagery to create a state of relaxation. Hypnosis can also be beneficial when it comes to boosting creativity or problem solving by inducing a relaxed mindset.

Another powerful tool used in meditation is progressive muscle relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation is accomplished by engaging different parts of the body simultaneously and alternating between tense and relaxed states. By gradually releasing tension throughout the body, we can begin to shift our focus away from old thought patterns and replace them with new ones.

Lastly, we must also consider the effects of meditation on our emotional health. Research has shown that regular meditation practice can lead to lower levels of cortisol (the hormone responsible for regulating stress) and improved psychological resilience.

3. The Benefits of Meditation

Here are some examples of how meditation can benefit us:

Reduces Stress Levels: Studies have found that individuals who meditate regularly experience lower levels of stress hormones like cortisol. Additionally, those who meditate regularly also experience improvements in anxiety and depression symptoms.

Improved Sleep Quality: When you meditate, your mind is at rest and you’re able to fall asleep faster, which can improve your quality of sleep.

Reduced Anxiety: Regular meditation practice can reduce levels of anxiousness and panic attacks. Also, studies have shown that meditation can help individuals cope with life’s challenges more effectively and can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Increased Awareness: By allowing your mind to wander while meditating, you can observe your surroundings and gain greater insight into your thoughts and emotions. A clear understanding of your current perspective helps you navigate life more consciously and make decisions based on your values and principles.

Emotional Wellbeing: Being present in your thoughts, emotions, and intentions allows you to develop self-awareness and empathy for other people. These skills are important for building relationships and improving social situations, thereby contributing to a happier and healthier environment.

Mental Clarity: Mindfulness can help individuals gain clarity on their thoughts and actions, ultimately leading to more productive lives.

Detachment From Reality: People who meditate frequently report a decrease in their desire to engage in routine tasks related to work, education, or transportation. They are also more likely to enjoy spending time outdoors and exploring nature. Overall, meditation helps individuals focus on themselves and the world around them, creating a more peaceful and fulfilling existence.

4. The Importance of Setting Aside Time for Meditation Practice

Meditation is not a one-time event; it takes time to establish a habit of consistent meditation practice. Many people find that they have difficulty starting and maintaining a healthy meditation practice. This is because meditation is often associated with feelings of overwhelm, fear, and lack of motivation. However, as long as you take the necessary steps to overcome these obstacles, you’ll be well on your way to having a rewarding and enjoyable meditation practice.

5. Four ways to practice meditation

Below are four ways to set aside time each day to practice meditation:

Set Your Own Timer: Start small and build up over time to give yourself enough space to relax and focus on your meditation practice.

Create Space: Take a few minutes each day to create a dedicated workspace or area for meditation.

Closing Off Distractions: Turn off notifications and turn off devices during your meditation time.

Schedule Ahead: Set aside time every week to do a designated task or project that you want to complete before bedtime so that you won’t have another thing demanding your attention when you finally allow yourself to shut everything else out.

Before beginning any meditation practice, make sure that you aren’t overwhelmed. If you find yourself feeling nervous or stressed, take a break or ask a trusted friend to assist you through the process. Remember, it takes time to get comfortable with meditation practice. If you find yourself struggling with anxiety or insomnia, try incorporating a warm bath or hot shower at least once per week.

6. Best Places to Find Free Resources on Popular Apps & Websites

If you’re looking for free resources, then there are several options available online, including:

Apps: One popular app is Calm, which is widely used for mindful meditation and meditation-inspired exercise.

Audio Files: Podcasts are also an excellent source of meditation content. Podcasts with audio files provide various types of content to listen to, including audiobooks, podcasts, recordings, videos, music, or even songs to accompany your meditation.

Podcasts are also an excellent source of meditation content. Podcasts with audio files provide various types of content to listen to, including audiobooks, podcasts, recordings, videos, music, or even songs to accompany your meditation. YouTube Channels/Videos: Youtube has a large community of individuals who are willing to share their experiences with meditation. Check out popular video creators such as David Goggins and Deepak Chopra for useful information.

Books: There are countless books available for meditation practitioners with both audio and written versions available online. Read the book “The Art of Living Mindfully” by Eckhart Tolle or one of his followers, John Kabat-Zinn, for ideas and inspiration.

Learning from experts in fields ranging from philosophy and psychology to spirituality and business is an excellent way to gain knowledge and gain insights into how to be successful in your chosen field. Look for courses offered by institutions like Harvard University, MIT Sloan School of Management, or Stanford Business School. Blogs: Many bloggers have created blog posts discussing different aspects of meditation, offering valuable advice and resources. Additionally, you can subscribe to various newsletters to receive personalized updates on upcoming events and news.

Many bloggers have created blog posts discussing different aspects of meditation, offering valuable advice and resources. Additionally, you can subscribe to various newsletters to receive personalized updates on upcoming events and news.

