Empowering Leadership Through Strategic Planning: A Collaborative Journey with Talladega College

By Aja Johnson, M.Ed. and Zillah Fluker, Ph.D.

UNCF Institute for Capacity Building | Executive Leadership

In today’s rapidly changing world, effective leadership and governance play a crucial role in shaping the success and impact of educational institutions. Recently, we had the privilege of serving as facilitators for the Talladega College board governance, new member onboarding, engagement and strategic planning. Our experience working closely with President Gregory Vincent and the Talladega College leadership team has been both rewarding, insightful, and inspiring. Together, we have witnessed the tremendous strides made by Talladega College in delivering on the promise of Black higher education.

One of the fundamental pillars of transformative change within an institution is leadership buy-in. Talladega College exemplifies this principle, with President Gregory Vincent’s unwavering commitment to fostering a culture of excellence and inclusivity. By embracing the UNCF Institute for Capacity Building’s expertise, Talladega College has shown a genuine dedication to enhancing its board engagement and and ensuring the long-term success of the institution.

Through our collaborative efforts, we were able to witness the engagement of the entire leadership team at Talladega College. From the board of trustees to faculty, staff, and alumni, there is a shared understanding of the importance of effective partnerships and its impact on the institution’s overall performance. This commitment to engagement and alignment has created a supportive environment that encourages transparency, collaboration, and innovation.

Institutional transformation requires a robust accountability framework that holds leaders and stakeholders responsible for achieving desired outcomes. At Talladega College, the leadership team has embraced a results-oriented approach, focusing on measurable goals and milestones. By setting clear expectations and regularly evaluating progress, they have fostered a culture of accountability that motivates individuals at all levels to strive for excellence.

Moreover, accountability at Talladega College extends beyond internal stakeholders. The institution recognizes the significance of its target constituency, which includes students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the local, national, and global community. By actively seeking feedback, engaging in dialogue, and involving these stakeholders in decision-making processes, Talladega College ensures that its actions align with the needs and aspirations of its constituents.

Our work in the ICB Executive Leadership vertical aims to provide the most comprehensive service and support specifically for strategic planning at the leadership levels of an institution. The collaboration between Talladega College and the UNCF Institute for Capacity Building has been a mutually beneficial partnership. The UNCF ICB brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in supporting historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to strengthen their leadership and operational effectiveness. Together, we have worked closely to develop tailored solutions that address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by Talladega College. This influences an evolving model to provide customized support for other institutions.

Talladega College’s status as a trailblazer in delivering on the promise of Black higher education is one of the many testaments to the success of this partnership. By leveraging the resources and expertise provided by UNCF ICB, Talladega College has made significant strides in enhancing its leadership capacity and positioning itself as a beacon of excellence in higher education.

The journey with Talladega College has been a remarkable one, characterized by leadership buy-in, engagement, accountability, and a deep understanding of the importance of serving the target constituency. In addition, quite frankly we have grown to truly enjoy our connection with President Gregory Vincent, Dr. Kenyatta Shamburger, Senior Vice-President and COO, Dr. Pernella Deams, Senior Vice President of Student Life and Success and Dr. Barbara Johnson, Executive Vice President and Provost.

We look forward to continuing this journey with #TeamTalladega and greatly appreciate their commitment for the next generation of leaders.

Aja Johnson, M.Ed., is a dedicated advocate for Black higher education, K-12 education and education policy, serving as the Senior Program Manager at the UNCF Institute for Capacity Building. She is a two time Howard University graduate with a passion for servant leadership and community engagement.

Zillah Fluker, Ph.D., is the Director for the UNCF Institute for Capacity Building with a background as a vice president institutional advancement at Alabama State University, Central State University, and Miles College. As an HBCU graduate herself, Dr. Fluker is passionate about empowering Black higher education.

The UNCF ICB Executive Leadership team collaborates with college presidents and their leadership teams to offer strategic planning and support, helping them achieve their mission and vision. Tune in to “HBCU Voices: Executive Leadership Unfiltered” to hear Aja and Dr. Fluker amplify Black higher education.

