The madrasah of Abdulaziz Khan

2 min readMay 5, 2023


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. We started the 4th semester practical lessons by discovering the wonders of our ancient city. As a person who birth in Bukhara, I can say that there are so many places which is worth to travel. One example is Abdulaziz Khan madrasah which we travel today with my groupmates.

2–8XTA21 group in Abdulaziz Khan madrasah

Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah marks the remarkable progress of medieval Central Asian architecture; it shows us how amazingly high the skills of Central Asian architects, builders and artists were at the time.

The construction of the madrasa is connected with a legend.

One day, the ruler of Bukhara, Abduaziz Khan, had a dream before leaving for the sixth pilgrimage. In a dream, an old man said to him: “After returning from a pilgrimage, you will build a building in your homeland. This building should not be like other buildings in your country, so that people can visit it and feel the connection between inner and outer life. For centuries, people visit it and remember you.” Thus, returning from the pilgrimage, Abdulaziz Khan established a unique madrasa, which has been worthy of its name for centuries.

As in every ancient building, there is a museum of wonderful artifacts. Despite the fact that the pieces cannot be touched by hand, I was able to take photos of these exquisite pieces of jewelry.

Today our practical day ended with high impression and I can recommend you this place if you are really interested in such kinda old stores. Thank you for your attention. Tomorrow we will continue our amazing trips, keep watching!

