Product Valley

Building something takes effort. A lot of it. So if you shipped a product this year, a solid, well working product, I salute you.

It isn’t easy to build something from nothing and if your sole motivation is of monetary nature you will most likely never succeed. Because there are a thousand easier ways to make money. Ways that don’t require an uncountable amount of hours designing pixels, weekends after weekends of writing code and 12 hr work days of pure grind.

It’s a passion thing. Not a money thing.

Silicon Valley has always been and still is a place filled with a lot of passionate people. Nowhere else in the world have I met more people that are working on their own products. It’s an environment that fuels itself, resulting in motivated people staying focused on shipping iteration after iteration. That’s why Product Hunt got as popular as it is.

It’s a long marathon. Not a short sprint.

Most of the time a single brain will start work on a new idea, something novel, something that needs to see the light of day. Eventually that someones passion will peak the interest of others and a company is born. A company for multiple brains to gather and grow the idea as big as possible. Building together can be even harder than building alone, because now you build two things; a product and a company.

It’s team work. Not a one man show.

Sometimes things go as you hoped they would or maybe even better. Your product becomes popular and business is good. But most times the hard work doesn’t pay off… yet. Nowhere else in the world have I met as many people that have failed at building product but are still building products.

It’s Silicon Valley and failure is ok. Not trying again, because its too much work is not.

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