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The Search Engine Optimization Techniques To Rank Like a Boss

Increase your Search Engine Rankings and Drive in more Traffic!

Amal Rafeeq
6 min readOct 27, 2013


Do you want to increase your Search Engine Rankings for specific keywords? Here is how you do optimization, the right way.

SEO is the process of Optimizing your website/content/page for search engines in order to gain organic traffic. Search Engines are a great way to target specific audience and that’s why you have to learn Search Engine Optimization too.

Okay, first of all, you need to understand the fact that, traffic alone won’t get you any results. Your website or blog does need to have valuable content of information in it. People can come to your site for many reasons, but they can only stay for ONE reason — Purpose!

And you need to make sure that you have that before you proceed to the rest of the optimization processes.

How To Optimize your Website For Search Engines.

Be it your blog or website, your goal is to rank well on search engines for keywords you wish to. And for that, your content must be relevant. With the term relevant, I mean that it must be RELATED and ABOUT the keywords. That means, you have to Optimize the content On the page itself.

And that’s what you call — On Page Search Engine Optimization. Let’s learn more about that.

On-Page Optimization Techniques.

Like I said before, your content must include the keywords you are targeting. Let’s say you’re writing a post about “How To Get Rid Of Pimples From Your Face”. Here, the keywords you gonna target are the title itself ( which is a high value keyword ), “pimples on face”, “get rid of pimples” etc… Hope you understand what I meant.

Since you’re targeting these keywords, you’ll need to make sure the content is rich in keyword. What value can you give to people when you give something that’s not related to why they’re on a website for.

So, that’s why you need to make the content rich. When you write a post or prepare a page about something, make sure you mention the main keywords throughout the page ( But, DO NOT STUFF YOUR KEYWORDS ).

Using alternative words for keywords on your content is a white hat technique which will help you in a great way.

Now, you want to highlight the main keywords on your content. Use BOLD, Italics and Underline styling to let the search engines know what the page is about.

Always make sure your page title and h1 tag has the main keyword in it. Create a habit of shaping good meta descriptions too. It must be simple and powerful. At the same time, you must include the main keyword(s) in the description.

The meta keywords tag is not alive any more. So you don’t have to worry about that.

Images are too crawled by the Search Engines and you should put them on the optimization list too. Here is how you do it.

  1. Give a proper file name to the image. If the image is about pimples, you should name it like “pimples-on-your-face” or simply “pimples”.
    So, here is how the location of the image will be : /images/pimples.jpeg
  2. When you embed them on your site/content, you must give them proper alternative tags. Search Engines can’t see the image, they just look for an alternative text that represents it. So, your alt tag should be (here) something like “pimple on face” or “a pimple on the right cheek”. It must be describing in short words.
    So, here is how the html code will be
    <img src=” images/pimples.jpeg” alt=”pimple on face”/>
  3. Next, it’s the title tags. I don’t know if it matters on SEO, but it’s a thing to have a habit of using them. Title tags are those which people see when they hover above the picture. So, that must be describing too.

As a webmaster or blogger, you have to help your visitors with useful resources. And one way of doing that is by proving useful content which you already did and another way is by linking to related content.

You might not have all the useful information with you on the site, so isn’t it a good thing to link to external pages. Well, the bitter truth is — it’s not going to be such a good thing for you. But Search Engines just respect content that link to relevant pages. And so, you must do that.

That’s all I got in with me about doing on page optimization.

Off-Page Optimization Strategies.

Having a high quality content with relevancy alone won’t do the trick. The old saying “Create great stuff and Traffic will come to you” is not gonna happen through search engines. It’ll only work with referral traffic and social media shares.

Search Engines gives ranking positions to content by taking many values such as — relevancy, keyword richness,content size and reputation of the link.

In the world of Search, reputation of the the links are based on mainly TWO big factors. Backlinks and Social Signals ( shares ).

First, let’s talk about Social Signals.

These are the votes you get by having more Social Shares. For examples, likes on Facebook, G+ hits on Google+ and Retweets on Twitter.

Try to get more likes on Facebook , shares on Google+ and Tweets on Twitter. These Social Signals acts as votes which helps you to increase Search Engine Rankings. The more shares you get on Social Media/Networks, the more chances of your content getting higher on the list.

The next thing you should work on is to get more links to your content. Links are also considered as votes to go up in the Search Results and it’s what matters more than Social Shares.

The more links from external pages you have to your website/content/blog, the more rankings you got. So, the more quality backlinks you build, the better organic traffic you receive.

Let’s define the term Quality when it comes to backlinks.

  1. Links from popular (Viral) pages.
  2. Links from Relevant and Related pages.
  3. Links from pages that ranks well on Search Engines.
  4. Links from pages that have more quality links and social shares.
  5. And links through appropriate anchor texts.
    An anchor text is the text that appears highlighted in a hypertext link and that can be clicked to open the target web page. If you build links with more relevant anchor texts, you’ll improve your search engine rankings. Linking to your content from your target keywords is a great way of shaping anchor texts.

How to Build More Quality Backlinks to Your Website?

Let me make this one short and sweet.

  1. Do Guest Blogging.
  2. Make use of Forums.
  3. Use Google+ Communities.
  4. Comment on Blogs.
  5. Write relevant content that other people might link to as a resource.
  6. Ask the other bloggers.

If you’re a Blogger, Internet Marketer or just another person who want to make money online, Search Engine Rankings matter and for that you’ll need to build more quality links. I believe there is only one course which is Powerful and Simple enough for both newbies and experts. It’s the Link Building Course by Point Blank SEO.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, there’s something
in this course that you desperately need. All of the content is available as a PDF so you can easily share it with others!

Get your Point Blank SEO Course to become an expert in link building.

I don’t have the capacity to explain and teach how to do each of them. But I do have written a post about “Advanced Link Building Strategies” which you might want to read.

Another quick tip before putting an end to this guide.

The Google Authorship is becoming a great influence of Search Engine Rankings. So get more Google+ followers, engage on the the network, be active and become an influencer to rank well!

That’s all I got with me. I hope I’ve helped you with Search Engine Optimization somehow. If you think it was worth your time, please show the appreciation by hitting the recommending button and sharing it with your circle. That’d mean a lot to me. Thanks a lot in advance!

