10 Tips to Attract the Right Woman for a Lasting Relationship

Zipporah Gichira
4 min readOct 20, 2022


Finding the right woman is no easy task, and plenty of things can go wrong once you find her. To ensure you attract and keep the right woman in your life, consider these 10 tips when dating and choosing a long-term partner.

1. Honesty

Tell her how you feel. Tell her what you want in life and ask her if she can make that happen with you. Speak from your heart, not because it’s Valentine’s Day and you have an agenda. The key is honesty. If it feels like love, courtship should be easy.

2. Good Grooming Habits

It is sometimes easy to forget, but if you want to attract women then it is important that you take care of your body. This means eating well and exercising.

It also means being clean and not forgetting about taking care of your teeth or having bad breath. Women will be much more attracted to someone who takes good care of their body, mind, and spirit than someone who doesn’t.

3. Loving personality

If you want to attract the right woman of your dreams, it is important that you first understand how women work. Women are attracted by a man’s personality and they want someone who can offer them security and be an equal partner in life. The courtship process is not about chasing her, but instead, it is about being able to build up trust with each other.

It will take some time but if you put in effort and patience, you will be rewarded. Once you have established yourself as an attractive potential mate, you need to focus on presenting yourself in the best possible light through grooming and dressing well. It is also wise to keep your sense of humor intact because humor builds up a rapport.

How to never feel rejection again. A tip for having a near-100% success rate when approaching a woman.

4. Communication Skills

Communication skills are vital in any relationship, but they’re especially important when attracting women. When interacting with your crush, be sure to listen as much as you talk and make eye contact.

If she has something on her mind, ask her what’s up. This will show her that you care about her thoughts and feelings. It’ll also make her feel like she can come to you with anything.

5. Know what you want

Do you know what you want? If not, here are five key things that can help you decide.

1) What kind of relationship do you want?

2) What are your priorities in a relationship?

3) How do you plan on meeting people who fit your criteria?

4) How will it feel when someone is interested in me and I’m not interested back?

5) How will I know when I find ‘the one’?

There’s no magic formula for knowing when you’ll meet the right person. Some people get there quickly and others take more time. Whatever feels right to you is what matters most at the end of the day.

6. Don’t give up if she says no

Don’t give up if she says no. You have to go through a courtship process. It may take time, but there is someone out there who will love you and make you happy. If one relationship ends, then keep looking. Eventually, she will appear in your life with that smile that only shines on you.

7. Caring Habits

If you’re looking to attract a woman and start the relationship on solid ground, here are some caring habits that will make her feel special:

— Give her your full attention when she speaks.

— Be genuinely interested in what she has to say.

— Hold doors open for her.

— When you’re talking, ask her questions about herself.

— Use compliments sparingly, but when you do use them, make them meaningful and sincere.

One simple piece of advice ANY man can follow that is guaranteed to improve your success with women.

8. Be adventurous

If you’re not meeting women in your day-to-day life, then it’s time to get adventurous. Start doing new things and go on adventures that might be outside of your comfort zone.

You never know who you’ll meet. The beauty is, when she sees how adventurous you are and how much fun you have, she’ll want to spend more time with you.

9. Compliment her frequently

Giving compliments is an easy and effective way to make her feel special. Women are often insecure about their appearance, which can lead them to seek validation from others. Giving her compliments will help boost her self-esteem and make her feel more connected with you.

10. Keep Asking Her Out!

If you want her to say yes, keep asking her out! Women are not used to getting asked out all the time and it can be flattering. The more she gets asked out by different people, the less likely it is that she will say yes.

She needs to feel special. That’s why you need to keep on asking her out — so she knows that you’re really interested in HER and not just any woman who says yes.

The REAL secret to impressing a woman.

