Op-Ed: Dr. Ziva Flamhaft has one of the best political memoirs of 2017
Dr. Ziva Flamhaft released her new book “War Widow: How the Six Day War Changed My Life A Memoir,” and it is one of the best political memoirs of 2017.
Professor Flamhaft is a full-time instructor at the college level, where she teaches in the Political Science Department of Queens College, CUNY. Her book garnered a glowing review from Digital Journal, and rightfully so.The book took place in Poland and Lithuania, Israel, Palestine and the United States of America. It chronicled her life in Tel Aviv, at a time of war, when Palestine was under British rule, where she was raised by a mother who suffered from depression. She opened up about her former fiance, and how she lost her husband in the Six Day War. Ever since, Flamhaft became a tireless fighter for other war widows in Israel, and human rights. She overcame adversity and went on to earn the prestigious Fulbright scholarship.Ziva Flamhaft’s War Widow is available on Amazon.For more information on Professor Flamhaft, visit her official website.Read More: Professor Ziva Flamhaft chatted with Digital Journal about her compelling new book, War Widow, and the digital transformation of the book publishing industry.
This opinion article was written by an independent writer. The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily intended to reflect those of DigitalJournal.com
More about ziva flamhaft, memoir, war widow, queens college, political science
Ziva Flamhaft Memoir War widow queens college Political science