Week 4 — How I redesign CUBE tracker ?

Ziyue Yin
3 min readOct 16, 2019


Design Concept:

Account setting

In account setting, I add more social media log in choice for CUBE account. Previously Facebook is the only social media to get access to CUBE. Nonetheless, Google account and Instagram are two main accounts that people use as well. Hence I pick up those two accounts and facebook to link the CUBE tracker.

Flow chat of Account setting
Account setting wire flow

Sketch of Concept

In this part, I select two of my previous ideas. The first focuses on the Bluetooth devices’ collection. The value in my intention is to develop a Bluetooth tracking system on different devices. Based on this value, I make two choices in my design. On the one hand, you are able to adjust the Bluetooth tracker function in the “Tracker” page. On the other hand, you can jump to the original app page in “App Page.”

This design aims at making all Bluetooth devices owning the tracker function through Bluetooth connection.


It is a process which is used on any bluetooth devices based on the tracker function. In other words, you can use the tracker function on any other bluetooth objects.

Flow Chat of CUBE-X
CUBE-X _ Storyboard
CUBE-X _ Wireflow

CUBE-X with bluetooth sticker

This idea aims at making CUBE tracker a new form — Bluetooth sticker. People can put the product on other products such as a kettle or a pot. Then it is able to change the setting through Bluetooth.

Flow_ CUBE-X with sticker
Storyboard _ Sticker

Mock up

In this stage, I make several quick mock ups on various functions. I tend to use more icons instead of words and prefer to use cards in Device page.

Then I revise them in two types of systems. First I pick up yellow as the system color considering it is the alarming color and it can make the interface more vivid. Second one I suppose to use just Black, Gray and White in order to make the extremely austere style which looks more clean and pure.

5 Mock up page
mock up system 1
Mock up system 2


In prototype stage, I select the first Bluetooth function to create. Choose your device in the home page, and then adjust it in process. When you click the “App Page”, it is able to turn to the original app page to get some product adjust.


