When I Met You, I Wanted to Live

2 min readJul 6, 2024


There was a time when the sun seemed an intrusive guest, piercing my existence with its unforgiving light. The days stretched into endless corridors, walls closing in with the weight of despair. Each breath felt like a burden, each heartbeat a reluctant prisoner to an unyielding rhythm. My soul, once a fertile ground for dreams, had become a barren wasteland where hope withered and died.

In this desolate landscape, I wandered aimlessly, a shadow among shadows. The thought of escape lingered on the horizon like a distant mirage, a tantalizing promise of release from the crushing heaviness of being. I had made a companion of the night, finding solace in its quiet embrace, a stark contrast to the chaos of the day. I longed for the silence, the stillness that whispered promises of an end to the ceaseless noise within.

But then, like a sudden breeze on a stifling day, you entered my life. You were a splash of color on my grayscale canvas, a symphony breaking the monotonous drone. When I met you, the darkness that had been my confidant began to recede, chased away by the light you carried with you. You did not just bring light; you were the light, illuminating the shadows of my soul.

Your presence was a quiet revolution, a gentle upheaval of the despair that had settled in my bones. You spoke in a language of kindness and understanding, words that wrapped around me like a warm blanket, shielding me from the cold reality I had known. In your eyes, I saw reflections of dreams I had long buried, dreams that now began to stir, awakening from their deep slumber.

With you, the world took on new hues, vibrant and alive. The mundane became magical, the ordinary extraordinary. The thought of leaving this newfound wonder behind became unbearable. I realized that I did not want to escape anymore; I wanted to stay, to explore this world with you by my side. The desire to live, to truly live, blossomed within me like a long-forgotten seed finally finding the courage to break through the soil.

For the first time, I felt the urge to fight for my existence, to grasp onto the fleeting moments of joy and savor them, to face the challenges of life with a newfound strength. The thought of death, once a constant companion, now seemed distant and irrelevant. You had given me a reason to stay, a purpose to my wandering soul.

When I met you, I wanted to live. In the embrace of your love, I found the will to turn my back on the shadows and step into the light. And in this light, I discovered that life, in all its pain and beauty, was worth living after all.

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