Introducing zkBTC: A Modern Web3 Ecosystem for the Bitcoin Community

5 min readApr 24, 2024


Welcome to the official zkBTC blog! If you’re just setting your eyes on zkBTC for the first time, you’re in the right place.

zkBTC is a modern and future-proof scaling solution designed to address rising demand for superior throughput, new use cases, and smart contract support for the Bitcoin network, all while remaining true to the core principles upon which Bitcoin was founded. In the fifteen years since the publication of the Bitcoin white paper, the landscape of blockchain technology, on-chain applications, and the prerogative of decentralisation have evolved dramatically. Bitcoin, on the other hand, has largely remained true to its original form — both a testament to its commitment and a source of friction to forthcoming opportunities.

zkBTC is being developed to open space for innovation and growth, and to honour Bitcoin’s most revered design principles — decentralisation and trustlessness. BTC, Ordinals, BRC20s and Runes will soon have a scalable, future-proof home to innovate, grow, and thrive with new use cases — and without performance or functionality constraints.

Bitcoin’s Journey and Present Crossroads

As the world’s most decentralised and robust public blockchain, Bitcoin has witnessed an extraordinary surge in popularity and market capitalisation in 2024, with BTC trending to new highs and taking centre stage in global financial markets yet again — this time, following the approval of Bitcoin ETFs. However, Bitcoin’s success has also brought on a new set of challenges that have put strain on both the network and its community.

Simply put, these challenges boil down to a single issue: scalability. While other blockchains have embraced smart contract functionality and implemented Layer 2 solutions to reduce fees and increase throughput, Bitcoin has remained committed to its fundamental role as a sound monetary medium. As a result, Bitcoin has struggled to keep up with growing demand for emerging use cases such as NFTs and DeFi, both of which have recently begun arriving on Bitcoin in the form of Ordinals, BRC20s and Runes.

The zkBTC Mission: Bringing Together the Bitcoin Community

While the rise of new Bitcoin-native assets has led to a significant increase in on-chain activity, network fees have increased in suit, raising concerns about accessibility and affordability. The Bitcoin community has become divided between those who advocate for maintaining the status quo and those who push for scalability solutions and innovative features. Balancing the preservation of Bitcoin’s fundamental principles with the need for scalability and innovation is crucial for the network’s long-term success. zkBTC is on the job.

To alleviate the Bitcoin blockchain’s transaction burden and offer users ultra-low-fee transactions, zkBTC leverages Polygon zkEVM, a best-in-class Layer 2 EVM-equivalent chain. Powered by cutting-edge zero-knowledge tech and focused on decentralisation, zkBTC is committed to providing the Bitcoin, Ordinals, BRC20 and Runes communities with a scalable infrastructure that streamlines growth and innovation without holding back performance or user experience.

Going to Market: A Strategic Approach to Tech Development and Community Formation

Utilising Polygon’s leading zero-knowledge scalability stack, zkBTC will be seamlessly plugged into Ethereum at launch, with the ultimate goal of supporting seamless interoperability between the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems. However, while the zkBTC development team is heads-down working to trustlessly integrate with the Bitcoin blockchain, the project will not be sitting idly on the sidelines allowing rising demand for high-performance Bitcoin-based applications to go unmet.

zkBTC is committed to bringing a product to market with the best available technology to address immediate market demand for a scalable Bitcoin solution. As technical feasibility advances, zkBTC will evolve and become maximally Bitcoin-native, incorporating all relevant (and optimal) features and functionalities. Ongoing trustless integration with the Bitcoin network will be explored as technical feasibility improves, with a relentless commitment to technical updates and reporting to the zkBTC community. In parallel, zkBTC is and will continue to be focused on fostering a vibrant and utility-rich ecosystem for Ordinals, BRC20 tokens, Runes and Bitcoin.

Future-Proofing zkBTC with Innovative Features

zkBTC is focused on delivering the most innovative and high-performance Bitcon scaling solution on the market to address market demand for Bitcoin-native applications in the near-term, while paving the way for a robust Bitcoin-native ecosystem that stands the test of time. As development progresses, zkBTC will introduce further innovative features such as multi-gas-token flexibility (various versions of BTC including native BTC) and a BTC burning mechanism inspired by Ethereum’s EIP-1559. A DAO governance model will be at the heart of community-driven decision making.

The core aim of zkBTC’s technical development is to achieve trustless integration with both the Ethereum ecosystem (which will be achieved upon launch) and the Bitcoin blockchain. While zkBTC’s technical development is an ongoing process, its future-proof design will make it adaptable to a wide range of market conditions and technical environments from the get-go.

At each stage of development, zkBTC will provide BTC, Ordinals, BRC20s and Runes with a scalable, future-proof, and increasingly feature-rich home to innovate, grow, and thrive with new use cases — and without performance or functionality constraints.

zkBTC invites you to join the Bitcoin scalability mission to reunite the Bitcoin community, ensure optimal accessibility and affordability for network transactions, and satisfy all demand for Bitcoin and rising Bitcoin-native use cases.





Creating a more vibrant, scalable and future-proof ecosystem for Bitcoin.